Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass Singapore) Guide
Overseas Network & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass Singapore) : A Comprehensive Guide to the New Work Visa Scheme for Top Talents

The Singapore ONE PASS (also known as Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass) is a new Global Talent Visa scheme aiming to attract exceptional individuals in their fields to emigrate to Singapore. As a business hub, Singapore has always been a draw for top talents from all over the world. The city-state has launched this new visa scheme, especially for highly skilled foreign talent in business, arts and culture, sports, education and research, and other fields. The ONE Pass Singapore is a personalised work visa (Administered by the Ministry of Manpower) designed for top-notch overseas professionals looking to work, start or operate multiple companies in Singapore. Unlike the typical Singapore work visa, the ONE Pass offers greater employment flexibility and many other benefits.
How can you Benefit from the Singapore ONE Pass?
- 职业灵活性: 您可以经营自己的企业,也可以为多家公司工作;
- 签证身份更加确定: 这种签证是根据个人情况签发的,这意味着您不受制于任何雇主,也不必担心失业后会失去工作准证;
- 更长的签证有效期: 您的签证有效期为 5 年,与所有其他工作准证相比,有效期要长得多,这为您在新加坡规划未来提供了更长的时间;
- 配偶特殊工作特权: 您的配偶可获得同意书,该同意书允许他或她在新加坡工作,无需申请新的工作准证,也无需满足所有新的工作准证标准和条件。
ONE Pass Singapore Criteria
One Pass 遵循更为严格的资格标准,申请人需要满足高薪或杰出成就标准。您必须满足以下资格标准之一,才能获得这项工作签证计划:
- 目前的在职专业人员路线: 现有工作准证持有者和海外候选人必须在过去一年中至少赚取 $30,000 新加坡元的固定月薪,或在其新加坡境内的未来雇主处可能赚取至少 $30,000 新加坡元的固定月薪。
- 杰出成就路线: 适用于在艺术与文化、体育、科学与技术以及学术与研究领域做出卓越贡献的个人。这些候选人无需满足薪资标准即可获得海外网络与专业知识准证,从而展示了新加坡对不同卓越领域的承诺。
How long does it take to get the One Pass in Singapore?
申请 ONE 通行证的时间通常为 4 周。不过,根据时间段的不同,有时签证办理时间可能长达 8 周。
至于递交过程,申请人可以委托 One Visa 等代理机构代为递交签证,递交的文件类型取决于您选择的资格途径。
申请提交后,人力部将需要至少 4 周的时间进行处理。您可在此查看申请状态。
申请 ONE PASS 需要哪些文件?
- 1.申请人的护照特定页
- 2. a. 海外执行计划:
- 工资单
- 最近的税务报表
- 其他收入来源的证明文件(如有必要)
- b. 个人在艺术、体育、文化、学术或研究方面的杰出成就。
- 最近的工资单
- 其他收入来源证明文件(如有)
- 显示您成就的简历
- 学术或研究人员:
简历,重点介绍您在过去 5 年中取得的实质性成就,如发表的论文、获得的专利或披露的技术;
One Pass Singapore Application Process – Step-by-Step Guide
Make sure that you understand the ONE Pass requirements before apply for the work pass. Check below criteria:
- Meet the minimum salary requirement (S$30,000/month or equivalent annual earnings); or
- Have an outstanding track record in business, research, sports, or the arts.
** For those foreign applicants who are applying under option 1, you overseas employer must me the requirements as an established company.
Before applying for the ONE Pass, you must ensure that you have the following documents ready:
- Personal Documents: Passport biodata, educational qualification, proof of achievements (if any).
- 就业文件: Monthly Payslips for the past 12 months, employment contract, latest tax return;
- Those with Outstanding Achievements:
- 工资单 from the latest month
- Resume to highlight your key achievements
- Overseas applicants with high salary: You are required to submit financial document proof of our overseas company’s financial.
- Apply via MOM’s EP eService (if employer-sponsored) or MOM’s Online Portal (self-sponsored).
- Pay the required application fee: There will be a non-refundable fee of 105 to be paid directly to MOM.
- Processing time: It would take 4 to 8 weeks (can take longer for complex cases).
- MOM may request additional documents for verification.
- If your application has been approved, you would require an In-Principle Approval Letter with instructions to collect the pass.
- If rejected, you can submit an appeal within 3 months.
- You are given 3 – 6 months to collect your ONE Pass upon arrival. Once you have arrived Singapore, you need to contact an authorised agent like One Visa to help issue your ONE Pass.
- Visit MOM Services Centre with your IPA letter & original documents.
- Complete biometric registration (photo & fingerprint scan).
- MOM issues the physical One Pass card (delivered within 4 working days).
- You can officially work for an employer in Singapore or start your venture.
ONE Pass Vs Other Singapore Work Visas
As there are several Singapore work visa options available in Singapore, it is important for you to understand other types of work visas in comparison to the Singapore One Pass. See below for our comparison table.
Tech.Pass | 就业准证(EP) | 企业通行证 | 个性化就业准证 (PEP) | 海外网络与专家通行证(ONE 通行证) | |
申请人简介 | 技术专家 | 公司所有者 从事专业、行政或专门工作。董事和企业主 | 有业绩的企业家 | 高收入者 | 1.在成熟公司工作一年以上的高收入者。 2.在艺术与文化、体育、科学与技术、学术与研究领域取得杰出成就的个人。 |
签证有效期 | 发放期限为 2 年 允许每两年更新一次。 | 首次发放 1-2 年。 续期:3 年 | 1 年来首次签发。 更新:每年 | 3 年来首次签发。 无法续订 | 有效期为 5 年,可每 5 年更新一次,但必须符合某些标准 |
标准 | 固定月薪至少 S$20,000; 参见 技术合格标准完整列表 | 最低固定月薪至少 S$4,500 查看列表 EP 标准 这里。 | 申请人符合业务记录。查看 Entrepass 标准完整列表 | 申请人需满足每月 12,000 18,000 新元的固定工资标准。查看完整列表 此处的 PEP 标准 | 企业高管 1.每年月薪 30,000 新元; 2.曾就职于年收入 2 亿或资本总额 5 亿的成熟公司 或 在文化艺术、体育、科技、学术和研究领域取得杰出成就的个人 |
特点 | 为多个雇主工作,可以自己创业。 | 只能为一个雇主或公司工作。 | 只能运营一家公司。 | 可为多家公司工作,但需满足最低年薪要求 | 允许同时为多个雇主工作或经营企业 |
利用 ONE 通行证计划成立自己的公司
Unlike other work visa schemes in Singapore, the ONE Pass is an independent work pass that does not tie you to One employer, this Singapore work pass offers you greater flexibility by allowing you to concurrently operate your own business legally while working for your existing company.
If you are planning to set up a company in Singapore, you should understand the different types of company setup possible in Singapore as different entity has different implication. Use below table as a general guide for company setup options:
附属公司 | 分支办事处 | 代表处 | |
名称 | Can either share the same identity as the parent company or operate under a different name. | Must have the same name and identity as the parent company. | Must have the same name as the parent company and include the term “Representative Office.” |
Ownership | Can be fully owned by a foreign parent company. | Considered an extension of the foreign company and fully owned by it. | Established as a temporary entity fully owned by the foreign company. |
Legal Status | Separate legal entity from overseas parent entity | Same legal entity are the overseas parent company. Entity operating as the extension of parent entity | No legal status |
Allowed Activities | Can operate and carry out business activities in Singapore. | Can engage in business activities aligned with its parent company's scope. | Prohibited from conducting any commercial or revenue-generating activities. |
Compliance | Must adhere to local statutory compliance regulations. | Must adhere to local statutory compliance regulations. | N.A. |
Appointing Officers | Required to appoint at least one local resident director. | Required to appoint at least one local resident director. | Must designate a Chief Representative who must relocate from the company headquarters. |
Taxation | 17% | 17% | N.A. as entity is not generating income |
Employees restrictions | No restrictions | No restrictions | A limit of 5 employees. |
For foreign individuals, the most common business structure is an Exempt Private Limited Company. This entity offers full control, limited by shares, provided you hold more than 51% ownership in the company. Additionally, as a ONE Pass holder, you are eligible to serve as the local resident director. Interested to set up your company in Singapore? You may check out our guide on how to incorporate a company in Singapore.
Spouse & Family Benefits for One Pass Holders
家庭成员类别 | 申请的通行证类型 |
Married Spouse & Unmarried Children below 21 year-old (including those that are legally adopted). * Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month. | 家属通行证 |
Common-law spouse, unmarried handicapped children above 21 year-old & unmarried step-children below 21 year-old. * Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month. | 长期访问通行证 |
家长 ** Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 12,000 SGD per month | 长期访问通行证 |
One Pass Singapore Spouse
One unique difference of the spouse of ONE Pass as compared to other work visas is that the spouse can obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC) to Work in Singapore under the Dependant's Pass scheme which makes it much easier for the spouse to secure employment in Singapore or run her own business in Singapore.
申请海外网络和专业知识通行证看似简单,但在申请过程中可能会遗漏其他细节或文件。特别是那些按照 "杰出个人成就 "标准申请的人,因为该标准的范围更广。
提交后,移民部将在 4 周内对上诉进行评估。最后,请不要忘记,从被拒之日起,您只有 3 个月的时间提出上诉。
保持您的 ONE 通行证身份:人力部的通知要求
由于工作签证的有效期为 5 年,因此您必须每年向人力部报告您的工作活动和工资情况。以下是您必须向人力部报告的年度报告:
- 您的就业活动;
- 您的创业或商业活动
- 当地就业贡献(如有);
- 其他专业活动商业咨询、指导本地初创企业、在本地机构讲课以及为慈善事业做贡献。
此外,如果您的住址或个人资料(如姓名、护照号码、护照有效期、婚姻状况、国籍......)发生变化,您必须在 2 周内通知人力部。
Can I secure Singapore Permanent Residency with ONE Pass?
作为 ONE 通行证持有者,您只要在新加坡至少逗留 6 个月,就有资格申请新加坡永久居民。然而,新加坡永久居留权遵循一套不同的标准。新加坡永久居民资格的评估基于您作为个人对新加坡的贡献、您的家庭情况以及您融入新加坡文化的能力。要获得新加坡永久居民资格,并没有固定的逗留年限。
如果您感兴趣,可以查看我们的 关于如何申请新加坡永久居民的全面指南。
您是否正在考虑申请新加坡的 ONE 通行证?随着移民政策的不断变化,这可能是一个令人生畏和充满挑战的过程。但不要因此而放弃追求自己的目标。
One Visa 是新加坡一家拥有完全执照的移民机构(EA 编号:10C2994),在移民领域拥有超过 10 年的专业经验。我们在为客户提供卓越服务和取得成功方面有着良好的记录。不要对您的未来抱有侥幸心理;让我们帮助您驾驭新加坡移民系统,实现您的个人和职业目标。
5 年。
同意书(LOC)是一种签证特权,仅给予新加坡公民或永久居民的配偶在新加坡工作,而无需通过申请新加坡工作准证的严格程序。这是 ONE 通行证配偶获得工作特权的额外优势。
- +65 6385 4386
- info@one-visa.com
立即免费获取 ONE Pass Assessment!
- 10 年以上工作经验
- 特许机构
- 高于 90% 核准