Work Permit Singapore Guide
- Confirm that your company has available quota under the Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC).
- Verify that the candidate is from an approved source country and meets the eligibility criteria (e.g., age, sector, skills).
Secure written consent from the foreign worker to apply for the Work Permit on their behalf.
- Worker’s passport copy (bio-data page)
- Completed WP Application Form
- Written consent form signed by the worker
- Any relevant educational or vocational certificates (if applicable)
- Log into MOM’s WP Online (WPOL) system.
- Complete the online application form and upload all supporting documents.
- Pay the non-refundable application fee via GIRO, VISA, or MasterCard.
Check the application status in WPOL. Processing typically takes about 7 business days.
- Once approved, download the IPA letter via WPOL.
- The IPA allows the foreign worker to enter Singapore (if applying from overseas).
Arrange the following before issuing the Work Permit:
- Purchase medical insurance with at least SGD $15,000 coverage.
- Secure the required security bond (for non-Malaysian workers).
- Complete a pre-employment medical examination for the worker.
- Ensure worker has completed any mandatory safety courses (depending on the sector).
- Log into WPOL to issue the Work Permit.
- Pay the issuance fee and request for the Work Permit card.
- Worker to visit 妈妈’s designated service center (e.g., EPSC) for photo-taking and fingerprinting.
- The Work Permit card will be delivered to the employer within a few working days.
新加坡的雇主在雇用外籍员工时有几项重要责任。首先,他们必须确保工人符合特定工作准证的资格标准,并在开始工作前持有有效的工作准证。雇主还必须为每位外籍员工缴纳月税,并提供强制性医疗保险。此外,他们还必须遵守工作许可证申请的抚养比上限 (DRC) 和以下规定 S 通行证 这些措施有助于维持劳动力市场的平衡和公平。这些措施有助于维持新加坡劳动力市场的平衡和公平。
提交就业准证后的处理时间为 1 周。在某些情况下,如申请 MOM 补充文件或提交上诉,则在提交补充文件或上诉后还需要 3 - 5 周时间。
不可以,除非您将工作许可证升级为 S-Pass 或 EP
这取决于您所属的行业以及您的外籍员工属于哪个级别。通常情况下,每名外籍员工每月的征税率在 450 - 750 之间。
这取决于您所属的行业以及您的外籍员工属于哪个级别。通常情况下,每名外籍员工每月的征税率在 450 - 750 之间。
工作许可证和 S-Pass 都需要配额,雇主必须支付工人税。不过,两者的主要区别在于 S-Pass 有最低工资标准。
培训工作许可证的签发期限最长为 6 个月。这种工作准证主要用于海外培训人员到新加坡接受短期培训。
- +65 6385 4386
- 10 年以上工作经验
- 特许机构
- 高于 90% 核准