


踏上新加坡错综复杂的世界之旅 就业准证(EP)就业准证是全球人才进入新加坡蓬勃发展的商业生态系统的重要工具。本指南可作为您了解和利用就业准证实现职业抱负的导航工具。



新加坡就业准证(EP)是专门为希望在新加坡工作的外国专业人士设计的一种工作签证。它由 人力部(MOM) 主要针对希望为新加坡充满活力的经济做出贡献的外国专业人士、经理、行政人员和专家。以下是您需要了解的信息:


使用我们的免费 "就业准证资格工具",了解您是否符合标准。

就业准证 (EP) 的主要特点


自 2023 年 9 月 1 日起,新的就业准证申请人必须达到就业准证合格薪资标准,并通过 COMPASS 评估框架.该框架进一步明确了就业准证的资格标准,旨在提高新加坡就业准证候选人的素质。

Infographic detailing the key Employment Pass (EP) criteria in Singapore, including minimum salary, qualifications, job role, and employer sponsorship requirements.


Due to the constant changes in Employment Pass requirements, it is important to know the latest updated criteria of Employment Pass to ensure that you pass the approval benchmark prior to your application. Typically, the applicant must the following e pass requirement:


1. A Singapore registered company to sponsor the application. (if you are a business owner or entrepreneur, check out how to register your Singapore Company to sponsor your EP).

2. A Recognised Education qualification;

3. Relevant work experience for the occupation;

4. Met the EP qualifying salary.

Currently, the applicant must go through a 2 step-process to assess their Employment Pass Eligibility. Firstl, the applicant must pass the EP minimum qualifying salary based on the applicant’s age and industry.

Secondly, the applicant must  score at least 40 points on COMPASS. It is also possible to use the MOM EP Self-Assessment Tool to check the EP eligibility.

You must first gather all the required documents for Employment Pass prior to the application. Below are the list of required documents for Employment Pass Application:

1. Passport Biodata (in clear scanned copy);

2. Recognised Education Certificate and its education verification report from the vetting agency

3. Job description and salary details;

4. Employment Contract.

The employer or an authorised employment agency (like One Visa) must submit the EP application via MOM’s EP Online portal.

  • Application fee for Employment Pass: S$105
  • 处理时间: Typically, 2 weeks but from more complex cases, it can take up to 8 weeks.

If you are unsure about the application process or whether the applicant would be eligible for an Employment Pass, it is always better to go through a professional Employment Pass Agency like One Visa. Try our Free EP Assessment Tool Today.

If your Employment Pass Application is approved, you should receive your Employment Pass In-Principle Approval (IPA) Letter in 10 business days. The IPA letter should include the following:


  • Validity of the IPA letter to collect your Pass
  • Duration of the Pass
  • Medical Examination requirements (if applicable)
  • Collection procedure

Both the Employer and the Applicant must sign on the declaration form on the IPA letter for the issuance of the Employment Pass.

Upon arrival in Singapore, the employer or an authorised Employment Pass Agency like One Visa, needs to request for Employment Pass issuance via the MOM EP online portal. The following is required for the issuance:

  • Pass an issuance fee of 225 – 255 SGD to MOM
  • Provide latest passport details, residential address and de-embarkation card no.;
  • Upload signed declaration form on the IPA from Employer and Applicant;
  • Upload Medical Examination (if required)

Applicant would receive a notification letter from MOM and is required to physically attend a MOM appointment at EPSC centre.  

MOM would delivers your EP card to the employer or the authorised agent within 4 working days. The applicant can officially start working from the day his/her EP is issued.


使用我们的免费 "就业准证资格工具",了解您是否符合标准。


Applicants must first meet the minimum Qualifying Salary for E  Pass. The Minimum Qualifying Salary is benchmarked based on the applicant’s sector and age. Those who are older and in the high-paying industry will have to meet higher qualifying salaries. 
SECTOR Minimum qualifying salary for renewal of passes expiring from 1 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2025Minimum qualifying salary for new applications from 1 Jan 2025, and for renewals of passes expiring from 1 Jan 2026
(except financial services)
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $10,500 at age 45 and above)
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $10,700 at age 45 and above)
Financial services$5,500 (increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $11,500 at age 45 and above)$6,200
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $11,800 at age 45 and above)


COMPASS 系统采用积分驱动法,根据薪资、资历、多样性和对本地就业的支持等标准对 EP 申请人进行评估。申请者需要在基础标准中获得总分 40 分才能通过此阶段。

按年龄分列的固定月薪与当地部门 PMET 薪金的比较
≥ 90 百分位数20顶级机构
第 65 至 < 第 90 百分位数
< 第 65 百分位数
* 所有申请人都必须达到 EP 合格工资标准,该标准随年龄增长而提高。

COMPASS 会进一步考虑各行业在薪资标准方面的差异。如果您的申请符合当地 PMET 工资的特定行业基准,则可获得相应分数。这些基准也经过年龄调整。
** 作为雇主,您有责任确保您的应聘者的学历是真实的,并且是由经认可的机构颁发的。了解有关要求的更多信息。
***C3.多样性 (与公司有关)
候选人国籍在公司 PMETs 中所占比例*。
****C4.支持本地就业 (与公司有关)
< 5%
20≥ 第 50 个百分点
5至 < 25%
10第 20 至 < 第 50 百分位数
≥ 25%
0< 20 个百分点
*** 多元化的国籍组合为企业提供了新思路和新网络,有助于打造一支更具包容性和复原力的员工队伍。

如果候选人的国籍在公司 PMET 雇员中所占比例较小,COMPASS 将给予更多分数。如果贵公司申请引进的候选人的国籍目前在其 PMET 员工中所占比例较大,则不会获得任何分数。
**** COMPASS 奖项旨在表彰那些努力为本地劳动力创造机会并建立由本地和外国专业人员组成的互补团队的公司。

如果贵公司的 PMET 员工中本地人比例高于同行业的同行,您的申请将获得更多分数。




  • C1 - 工资
  • C2 - 资格

每项标准可得 0 至 20 分。

B. 公司标准:

  • C3:多样性
  • C4.支持当地就业

与 "申请人标准 "一样,这些标准中的每一项都可以得 0 到 20 分。

申请人必须在 "基础标准 "中获得 40 分,才能通过这一阶段。但是,如果申请人没有达到这个分数,他们还有机会通过 "奖励标准 "获得分数。


  • 如果申请人在基础标准中未达到所需的 40 分,他们可以通过奖励标准获得额外分数。
  • 申请人在这一类别中可获得 10 至 30 分的加分。


如果申请人符合以下条件之一,则可免于 COMPASS 考试:

  • 每月赚取 22 500 新元的固定工资;
  • 作为海外公司内部调动人员申请就业准证
  • 在新加坡的工作时间少于 1 个月。

** COMPASS 豁免:某些申请人可根据特定条件豁免 COMPASS。

For more updated information on the latest EP criteria, check out our article on 2025 Updated EP Criteria


    • 使您的员工队伍符合 COMPASS 标准

    • 促进多样性,支持本地人才。

    • 寻求专业指导,顺利完成 COMPASS 旅程。


不要让您的 COMPASS 之旅徒劳无功;利用专业人士的专业知识,自信地导航并实现您的目标。获取更多信息 就业准证 COMPASS 提示.


使用我们的免费 "就业准证资格工具",了解您是否符合标准。

公平就业基金旨在确保新加坡的公平雇用做法,促进机会均等,不论性别、年龄、国籍或种族。雇主在申请 EP 之前,必须在国家就业门户网站 jobsbank 上公布职位空缺至少 14 天。

Employers must now advertise their job under the national job portal, jobsbank, for at least 14 days before they can proceed with the application process for an e-pass Singpore or S-Pass.


所有在新加坡本地注册的公司都必须实行公平雇佣,除非它们被豁免遵守相关规定。您可免于在以下网站发布广告 我的职业未来 如果贵公司符合以下任何一项标准:

** 根据世贸组织《服务贸易总协定》,海外雇员必须在海外相关公司工作至少一年,而且必须担任某些职务,才有资格获得信息和通信技术。

只有员工人数少于 10 人或提供的薪资高于 20,000 新元的公司才可获得豁免。




您可以提交您的 在线 EP 申请 或人工申请。在线申请一般需要 3 周时间,而手动申请需要 8 周时间。我们建议使用在线申请,以避免延误。



就业准证状态 您将在首次提交申请后两周内收到人力部的更新信息。如有必要,您可能会被要求提供更多文件,以便对您的情况进行评估。


如果您在提交申请后 3 周内没有收到新加坡就业准证,您可以查看您的 在此查看工作证状态.

人力部 (MOM) 索取补充文件




就业准证(EP)被拒后的上诉指南 - 分步指南


您可以通过雇主或授权的第三方职业介绍所(如 One Visa)在就业准证在线门户网站上提交上诉。您必须在被拒签之日起 3 个月内提交上诉。因此,在提交所有所需文件或理由书之前,您有足够的时间审查拒签原因或寻求专业人士的建议。请记住,您只有两次上诉机会,因此,如果不了解人力部官员的要求,就没有必要浪费上诉机会。如果您不确定如何进行上诉,请务必寻求专业就业代理的帮助。

See below for our step by step guide for Employment Pass Appeal

  • Review the rejection notice issued by MOM via EP 在线.
  • Identify the exact reason for rejection (e.g., salary not meeting benchmarks, insufficient company profile, applicant qualifications, or company quota concerns).
  • Take note of any MOM remarks or recommendations for strengthening the application.
  • Address the rejection reason(s):
    • Adjust the applicant’s salary package if below the qualifying salary.
    • Submit additional supporting documents (e.g., educational transcripts, stronger company profile, business plans, or financials).
    • Provide clarification letters for special cases (e.g., unique industry experience).
  • Ensure compliance with MOM’s Fair Consideration Framework (e.g., proper job advertising on, if applicable).

Draft a professional appeal letter on your company’s letterhead. The letter should:

  • Clearly state the intention to appeal.
  • Address MOM’s rejection reasons directly.
  • Highlight how the applicant and the company meet or exceed MOM’s criteria (e.g., business growth, applicant’s critical skills).
  • Include a contact person for follow-up.
  • Log into EP 在线 and select the “Appeal” function under the rejected application.
  • Upload the appeal letter and any additional or revised documents.
  • Ensure all information is up to date and consistent.
  • MOM typically takes 3 to 6 weeks to process EP appeals, depending on case complexity.
  • Monitor the status via EP Online.
  • Be prepared for MOM to request further clarification or documents during the review process.
  • If approved, proceed with the issuance of the EP as per standard process (IPA letter download, medical check-up, etc.).
  • If rejected again, consider alternative options such as reapplying under a different pass type (e.g., S Pass, PEP) or engaging an immigration specialist for further guidance.


作为就业准证持有者,您只能为配偶、子女和父母等直系亲属提供担保。此外,您的月收入必须至少达到 6,000 新元,才能为您的家属提供担保。以长期访问签证担保父母的额外收入要求。同居配偶也可使用长期访问签证。

A happy family standing in front of an iconic Singapore landmark, symbolizing a new beginning with Singapore Permanent Residency (PR).


Married Spouse & Unmarried Children below 21 year-old (including those that are legally adopted).
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.

Common-law spouse, unmarried handicapped children above 21 year-old & unmarried step-children below 21 year-old.
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.


** Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 12,000 SGD per month


海外担保新加坡就业准证适用于那些计划派遣其雇员作为顾问,在新加坡当地客户公司从事为期 1-2 年的项目的海外公司(在当地没有分支机构)。工资仍由海外公司支付,但客户公司负责担保就业准证。您必须明确界定海外公司与本地公司之间的关系以及海外顾问的工作性质。

在新加坡,这种就业准证只允许您手动申请,申请时间至少需要 8 - 12 周。因此,如果您想申请此类就业准证,必须提前做好准备。 

EP 的发放和收取


当您收到原则批准书时,通常会有 3 - 6 个月的时间来完成就业准证的领取程序。如果您的原则批准书即将过期,您可以向人力部申请一次性延期。


新加坡就业准证与 Entrepass

根据新加坡工作签证计划,受薪雇员可获得就业准证。然而,不符合 Entrepass 创新要求的企业主、董事或股东可申请就业准证。就业准证与 Entrepass 的详细比较见下文。

公司要求必须是新成立的公司 < 6 个月不要求公司成立多长时间
商业活动A 商业计划书 足以作为业务证明需要具体的业务活动作为持续业务的证明
主要评估标准创新的经营理念和申请人的经营业绩。申请者需提交一份长达 10 页的商业计划书。查看我们的 Entrepass 标准完整列表.公司赞助的商业活动和申请人的资历(学历、相关工作经验等)。查看我们的完整标准清单。
处理时间8 - 12 周3 - 8 周
家属通行证资格必须达到 MOM 规定的业务里程碑,才能为家人申请家属通行证。必须月薪至少达到 6,000 新元,才能为家人申请家属通票。查看我们的 受抚养人通过标准的完整列表。
通过有效性有效期为 12 个月,可续签 12 个月有效期为 12-24 个月,可续签 24-36 个月。


EP 的有效期一般为 12-24 个月,最多可延长 36 个月。要续签 EP,请按以下步骤操作:

通知 MOM 的重要变更

您必须通知 MOM 某些变更。请参阅下文,了解您需要更新 MOM 的所有变更的详情:


当就业许可证持有者不再在公司工作时,雇主可在其最后工作日起 7 天内注销其就业许 可证。在就业准证过期的情况下,您有 1 天的时间注销准证。只有雇主或职业介绍所可以协助在线注销。

如就业准证被取消,工作准证持有人将获得 30 天的短期访问准证,以便安排离境。在离境前,申请人有责任向税务局申请税务清关。 新加坡税务局(IRAS).雇主还必须结清拖欠 EP 持有人的所有工资。


作为 EP 持有人,您有资格申请新加坡 PR,但必须满足以下条件 新加坡永久居留权 而 PR 则遵循一套不同的标准。评估 PR 的依据是您作为个人对新加坡的贡献、您的家庭情况以及您融入新加坡文化的能力。申请 SPR 的资格没有固定的逗留年限。如果您有兴趣,可以查看我们的 新加坡永久居民申请服务.

2022 / 2023 年就业准证的主要更新内容

从 2022 年 9 月起,就业准证标准将有一些细微的变化。这些变化主要集中在提高就业准证申请的合格工资方面。了解更多 2022 年就业准证变化

从 2023 年 9 月起,就业准证标准将进行重大改革。届时,新的 "就业准证互补评估框架"(COMPASS)将正式启用。所有申请都必须达到 40 分才有资格申请就业准证。查看我们的就业准证入门指南 此处的 COMPASS 新要求

通过 One Visa 久经考验的专业技能快速获得新加坡就业准证

通过新加坡复杂的移民程序可能令人望而生畏,尤其是当您梦想中的工作岌岌可危时。选择与 One Visa 合作--One Visa 是一家获得 MOM 授权的机构,拥有长达十年的良好声誉。我们的成功率高达901TPT3T,已帮助10,000多名企业主、企业家、投资者和行政人员成功地将新加坡作为他们的职业家园。我们量身定制的端对端解决方案可确保您的就业准证申请在各方面都能脱颖而出。




"(《世界人权宣言》) Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore is a type of work visa issued by the MOM for highly skilled foreign professionals, managers, and executives to work for a  Singapore-registered company. The EP is usually issued for 1-2 years initially, renewable thereafter
and there is No foreign worker levy or quota applies.

"(《世界人权宣言》) Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass are both Singapore work visas, but they cater to different job roles and skill

To qualify for an Employment Pass, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Salary Requirements (As of Sept 2023)
    Minimum monthly salary:
    • S$5,600 (Most sectors)
    • S$6,200 (Financial services sector)
    • Older and more experienced applicants may require higher salaries
  • Qualifications & Experience
    • Recognised degree, diploma, or professional certifications
    • Relevant work experience and job role
  • Employer’s Requirements
    • Must be a Singapore-registered company
    • Must demonstrate economic viability to hire a foreign employee

Meeting the criteria does not guarantee the approval of an Employment Pass as the MOM assesses each case holistically under the COMPASS framework (evaluating qualifications, salary, diversity, and employer attributes). If you are unsure, you may use our Free Employment Pass Assessment Tool to check on your Eligibility.

提交就业准证后,通常需要 3 周时间进行处理。在某些情况下,如申请 MOM 附加文件或提交上诉,则在提交附加文件或上诉后还需要 3 - 5 周时间。对于人工申请,处理时间可能长达 8 周。

不,配额只适用于 S-Pass 或工作许可证,但您需要提供充分理由,说明为什么需要申请人。

对于新申请,您可获得 12 - 24 个月的许可。续签申请的期限为 12 - 36 个月。

Once you have applied for your Employment Pass online, you are able to track your application status. . 

Steps to Check EP Application Status:

  • Visit MOM EP status online check
  • Key in the following details:
    • Passport Number;
    • Date of Birth.
  • Check EP Status: The system would show one of the following:
    • Pending -> The application is under review
    • Approved -> MOM has already approved your applicaton
    • Rejected -> Your EP application has been rejected



从 2022 年 9 月起,新就业准证(EP)申请人的最低工资将从目前的 $4,500 元提高到 $5,000.至于金融服务业,最低工资标准将从 $5,000 提高到 $5,500 。

EP 的评估标准范围很广。只要贵公司有经济能力和真正的理由雇用申请人,而且申请人有适当的证书,那么您就可以通过提供适当的文件来加强您的申请,从而获得 EP 批准。然而,由于外国人力政策不断变化,因此寻求专业人士的帮助始终是非常重要的。立即联系我们,获取免费评估。



是的,只有公司成立超过 6 个月,您才能申请就业准证。对于新成立的公司,您需要申请新加坡企业准证。 进一步了解创业通


在新的 COMPASS 框架下,您需要获得 40 分才能通过 EP 要求。
免费签证评估的新加坡移民顾问 - One Visa

立即免费获取新 COMPASS 计划下的 EP 资格评估!

请在 1 分钟内填写下表,了解您的 EP 资格!
立即获取免费在线签证评估 - 根据您的个人资料了解您的签证资格。


开启您的新加坡之旅 - 由专家评估您的签证资格。


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