Types of Angola Visas

Angola Visa

Different Types of Angola Visa Available for Work and Stay

Angola, officially known as the Republic of Angola, is a country with vast amounts of minerals and petroleum reserves. It has recently been reported that Angola has overtaken Nigeria as Africa’s biggest Oil Producer. Some of Angola’s notable exports are Crude Petroleum ($17.7B), Diamonds ($1.4B), and Petroleum Gas ($1.3B). Angola’s economy is also one of the fastest growing in the world, this is due to large investments and trade partners flowing in from China and the United States. Angola has also been on a mission to improve its political and social standings in the world, starting by removing corruption from politics in 2017. An Angola visa allows you to enter Angola either for business, leisure, or visiting relatives.

Why do people obtain visas in Angola? Due to the large amount of export of oil and gas, multinational companies (MNCs) are always looking for oil and gas engineers in order to meet the supply and demand. Diamond specialists are also a common job as diamonds are the second biggest export for Angola. Outside of these major sectors, agriculture, manufacturing and tourism, and construction are some of the many reasons why people want to obtain an Angola visa.

Angola visa applications are very important to ensure these engineers can legally work in Angola. Business entities will have to take note that Angola visa applications are only approved by the Angola embassy if you have a valid reason to enter the country. To enter Angola, you must include valid documents including a signed letter from the relevant industry consulate to enter. As a business individual traveling to Angola, your pre-Angola visa application must also include a yellow fever vaccination page in order to gain entry for your work trip.

Angola Immigration System

Getting an Angola visa application form is another challenge as there are several challenges that you may face. Some of this includes rejection from the Angola embassy due to incomplete applications for various reasons. To gain valid entry to Angola, your application may be rejected because you do not have a white background for your passport photo or your submission does not contain all relevant documents and you will need to apply online again. Maybe your address was misspelled and you have to spend hours reapplying as a new applicant with all the required documents.

Covid 19 has also made the processing duration longer with increased checks pre visa and upon arrival. All relevant health certificates must include yellow fever vaccination certificates that are up to date if not you will be denied entry to Angola at the airport.

The work visa and temporary stay visa vary in documents required. If you would like to apply for a temporary stay visa, you are required to produce a bank statement to show that you have proof of subsistence for example.

Overview of Angola Visas

Most visas give you a 30 days stay period, while others give you 60 days or more. You may also request an extension but you must fill in the relevant details and proof of why you have to stay in Angola. Your document must include the reason why you will need to stay and your proof of residence while in Angola to name a few.

 Visitors that wish to stay in Angola for an extended period must also ensure that they are in good health and have valid employment. If their employment period has ended, they are not able to request an extension and will be required to take an immediate flight back to their home country from the airport.

The different types of Angola Visas

Finding work in Angola can be difficult. Most ex-pats are contracted to work in Angola from one of the many MNCs that share a presence in the country. If you are considering moving to Angola without any work lined up it can often be a tedious and tiring process. Consequently, we often advise people who would love to move to Angola to carefully examine and consider their options before committing. Here at One Visa, we have provided a myriad of options for you to browse in order to aid you in making an informed choice.

All Angola visa applications generally require the following information (but may vary depending on the visa):

  • Completed Angola Visa application form
  • Letter in English or Portuguese requesting the issuance of the Angola visa
  • 1 Recent colour passport size photograph and a passport with at least 6 months validity
  • Proof of residence
  • An Invitation letter by an individual or a company
  • Proof of family relationship with national or foreign citizens legally residing in Angola (If applicable)
  • Copy of International Vaccination Certificate that includes the holder’s data and page with vaccination against yellow fever
  • Police clearance certificate from country of residence with an official translation into Portuguese and authentication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Health certificate from the country of residence (to include all contagious diseases)
  • A statement to agree to abide by Angolan Laws
  • A copy of the reservation of onward ­or return flight and a visa to a third destination (If applicable)  


Ordinary Visa for Angola

This Angola visa is given to people who are attending family affairs and business contacts, it is valid for 60 days upon issuance and allows an individual to enter Angola once with a permitted stay of up to 30 days. The processing lead time takes about 7 working days and it does not allow its holder to establish residence nor to engage in any type of professional activity.


Privileged Visa

This Angola visa is for individuals who have currently approved investments in the country in accordance with the Private Investment Law. This allows the individual to enter Angola multiple times and is valid for 60 days upon issuance. It also authorises them to stay for 2 years and an individual with a Privileged Via can apply for a residence permit. The companion or family of the holder must apply for a Temporary Stay Visa if applicable. A letter from the applicant addressed to the Diplomatic Mission is one of the required documents.


Residence Permit Visa in Angola:

This Angola visa is given to individuals who wish to establish residency in Angola. It is valid for 60 days upon issuance and allows individuals to enter Angola multiple times. The authorised length of stay is 120 days and it also allows its holder to engage in professional activities.


Short-Term Visa for Angola (VCD):

This Angola visa is issued to a person who, for urgent reasons, has to enter national territory. This could be for medical emergencies, seamen/technicians in the oil sector, or any urgent events within reason. The authorised length of stay is 7 days and has a lead time of 2-3 working days. This visa does not allow its holder to establish residence nor to engage in any type of paid professional activity.


Temporary Stay Visa:

The Temporary Stay Angola Visa is given to individuals who are in Angola for Humanitarian work, Religious missions, scientific research purposes, or a companion/family member of the main holder. It has a validity period of 60 days upon issuance and allows for multiple entries into Angola. The length of stay authorised is a year and establishing residence is not allowed. In addition, the applicant of the granted visa is not allowed to stay in the event the main holder’s visa expires.

Angola Tourist Visa:

Tourist Angola visas are granted to tourists interested in tourism, leisure, sport, and cultural activities. It is valid for 60 days upon issuance and grants 1 entry into Angola. The authorised length of stay is 30 days with a processing lead time of 7 working days. Tourists are not allowed to establish residence nor to engage in any type of paid professional activity while in Angola.


Angola Transit Visa

This Angola visa is given to individuals who have a layover in Angola. It is valid for 60 days and grants them 1 entry into Angola. They are also allowed to stay for 5 days. It has a processing lead time of 7 working days. They are must provide documents pertaining to their transit destination if not they will be denied entry into the airport.



Angola Work Visa

This Angola visa is for individuals looking to work in Angola for an extended period of time. It has a validity period of 60 days upon issuance and allows multiple entries into Angola. The length of stay granted would be until the end of employment and there is a $400.00 USD administrative fee that will not be refunded if the visa is denied or the trip is canceled. The work visa will be granted provided the company is able to justify why the individual is required to work in Angola. This Visa also does not allow for the establishment of residency.

How can One Visa help?

If you are new to the Angolan Immigration system, it can be challenging to know what is pages are required, and who you will need to contact and follow up with from which ministry. One Visa helps fill that gap by submitting your visa application without the need to travel physically to Singapore saving you hours of work. One Visa also boasts a track record of over a 90% success rate, Saving you time, money, and delays. Contact us today for your Angola Visa needs! Contact Us at info@one-visa.com. or check out our Angola Visa Service.

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