Singapore PR (Re-entry Permit) Renewal Guide

Your Ultimate Guide to Singapore Re-Entry Permit (REP) or Singapore PR Renewals

Are you a permanent resident of Singapore who has been overseas for the past years?

If so, you may want to look into the renewal of your re-entry permit (Singapore PR) at a much earlier stage so that you don’t lose your Singapore permanent residency.

You’re going to need to ensure you have a valid re-entry permit every time you head off overseas. This is what allows you to retain your permanent residence while you’re travelling or living in another country. If you don’t have one or it’s expired, then you can lose your PR status.

So how do you renew your re-entry permit and avoid losing your permanent residence? There’s no need to cancel your flight. Here’s everything you need to know to about the Singapore re-entry renewal process.

What is a Re-Entry Permit?

A re-entry permit is a travel facility that allows a Singapore Permanent Resident to travel overseas and retain the PR status while they’re outside of the country. If you enter Singapore without a valid re-entry permit, you will be treated as a foreign visitor, and you will be subject to existing entry requirements like a tourist.

Who is Eligible for a Re-Entry Permit or Singapore PR Renewal?

If you’ve already gone through the process to become a Singapore permanent resident, you are usually given a five-year re-entry permit together with the grant of your PR. However, once the five year period is up, you’ll need to apply for a re-entry permit when you travel overseas. You’ll also need to hold a valid travel document, such as a passport, to support your application.

Prevailing Criteria of Re-Entry Permit

The Singapore Immigration considers the following when renewing your REP:

  • Whether the SPR holder is gainfully employed at the point of application?
  • How long was the applicant gainfully employed for out of the last five years?
  • Is the applicant still actively contributing to Singapore?
  • Does the applicant have family ties in Singapore?
  • For retired PR holders: Past contribution to Singapore will be considered, and family will be considered.

How Long Does a Re-Entry Permit Remain Valid?

The Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority will generally renew re-entry permits for a period of five years. However, this is subject to you demonstrating that you reside in Singapore, as well as an assessment of the economic and positive influences you provide to the country. So, there is a potential it may be rejected or renewed for a shorter period of time.

What Documents Do You Need to Supply?

There are some documents you will need to supply to renew your REP. Original and photocopies are required. You should also get them translated if they’re not in English. The pieces you’ll need include:

  • A valid travel document
  • The Blue Singapore Identity Card
  • Your current re-entry permit
  • Your income tax notices of assessment from the previous year


The Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority may request additional information depending on how you obtained your permanent residency and for the consideration of renewing your re-entry permit.

Who Can Help with REP Rejection and Your Application?

While the country has made the process simpler, there is a possibility that your Singapore re-entry permit can be rejected and your permanent residency revoked. Rejections can occur if you’ve been absent from Singapore for too long and if you don’t have any family roots in the country.

If you’re having difficulty renewing your Singapore re-entry permit, then you’re best to seek assistance from an immigration partner. One Visa can review your situation and help strategise your REP renewal if you have been living overseas and are not actively contributing to the country. This can be done years before your renewal. If you need help with your application, then sign up for our free assessment today, so we can assess your eligibility to be a Singapore permanent resident.

Need professional help for your Singapore PR Renewal?

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