Employment Pass Singapore : A Comprehensive Guide to Application and Criteria

Icon representing an employment pass, featuring a briefcase and document with a checkmark overlay, against a solid background.

Navigating the Singapore Employment Pass Process

Embark on a journey through the intricate world of the Singapore Employment Pass (EP), a pivotal instrument for global talent seeking to engage in the thriving business ecosystem of Singapore. This guide is crafted to serve as your navigational tool in understanding and leveraging the Employment Pass for your professional aspirations.

Key Highlights of Our Employment Pass Guide:

What is an Employment Pass in Singapore?

An Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore is a type of work visa specifically designed for foreign professionals who wish to work in Singapore. It's issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and is primarily aimed at skilled foreign professionals, managers, executives, and specialists looking to contribute to Singapore's dynamic economy. Here's what you need to know:

Unsure if You Qualify for an Employment Pass?

Use our free Employment Pass Eligibility Tool to find out if you meet the criteria.

Key Features of Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore

Eligibility Criteria for an Employment Pass in Singapore?

As of September 1, 2023, new EP applicants must meet the Employment Pass Qualifying Salary and pass the COMPASS assessment framework. This framework enhances clarity about EP eligibility criteria and aims to improve the quality of Employment Pass candidates in Singapore.

Infographic detailing the key Employment Pass (EP) criteria in Singapore, including minimum salary, qualifications, job role, and employer sponsorship requirements.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for an Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore

Due to the constant changes in Employment Pass requirements, it is important to know the latest updated criteria of Employment Pass to ensure that you pass the approval benchmark prior to your application. Typically, the applicant must the following e pass requirement:


1. A Singapore registered company to sponsor the application. (if you are a business owner or entrepreneur, check out how to register your Singapore Company to sponsor your EP).

2. A Recognised Education qualification;

3. Relevant work experience for the occupation;

4. Met the EP qualifying salary.

Currently, the applicant must go through a 2 step-process to assess their Employment Pass Eligibility. Firstl, the applicant must pass the EP minimum qualifying salary based on the applicant’s age and industry.

Secondly, the applicant must  score at least 40 points on COMPASS. It is also possible to use the MOM EP Self-Assessment Tool to check the EP eligibility.

You must first gather all the required documents for Employment Pass prior to the application. Below are the list of required documents for Employment Pass Application:

1. Passport Biodata (in clear scanned copy);

2. Recognised Education Certificate and its education verification report from the vetting agency

3. Job description and salary details;

4. Employment Contract.

The employer or an authorised employment agency (like One Visa) must submit the EP application via MOM’s EP Online portal.

  • Application fee for Employment Pass: S$105
  • Processing Time: Typically, 2 weeks but from more complex cases, it can take up to 8 weeks.

If you are unsure about the application process or whether the applicant would be eligible for an Employment Pass, it is always better to go through a professional Employment Pass Agency like One Visa. Try our Free EP Assessment Tool Today.

If your Employment Pass Application is approved, you should receive your Employment Pass In-Principle Approval (IPA) Letter in 10 business days. The IPA letter should include the following:


  • Validity of the IPA letter to collect your Pass
  • Duration of the Pass
  • Medical Examination requirements (if applicable)
  • Collection procedure

Both the Employer and the Applicant must sign on the declaration form on the IPA letter for the issuance of the Employment Pass.

Upon arrival in Singapore, the employer or an authorised Employment Pass Agency like One Visa, needs to request for Employment Pass issuance via the MOM EP online portal. The following is required for the issuance:

  • Pass an issuance fee of 225 – 255 SGD to MOM
  • Provide latest passport details, residential address and de-embarkation card no.;
  • Upload signed declaration form on the IPA from Employer and Applicant;
  • Upload Medical Examination (if required)

Applicant would receive a notification letter from MOM and is required to physically attend a MOM appointment at EPSC centre.  

MOM would delivers your EP card to the employer or the authorised agent within 4 working days. The applicant can officially start working from the day his/her EP is issued.

Unsure if You Qualify for an Employment Pass?

Use our free Employment Pass Eligibility Tool to find out if you meet the criteria.

Employment Pass (EP) Qualifying Salary (Stage 1)

Applicants must first meet the minimum Qualifying Salary for E  Pass. The Minimum Qualifying Salary is benchmarked based on the applicant’s sector and age. Those who are older and in the high-paying industry will have to meet higher qualifying salaries. 
SECTOR Minimum qualifying salary for renewal of passes expiring from 1 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2025Minimum qualifying salary for new applications from 1 Jan 2025, and for renewals of passes expiring from 1 Jan 2026
(except financial services)
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $10,500 at age 45 and above)
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $10,700 at age 45 and above)
Financial services$5,500 (increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $11,500 at age 45 and above)$6,200
(increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $11,800 at age 45 and above)

COMPASS (Stage 2)

The COMPASS system uses a point-driven approach to assess EP applicants based on criteria such as salary, qualifications, diversity, and support for local employment. Applicants need to score a total of 40 points within the Foundational Criteria to pass this stage.

*C1. Salary
Fixed monthly salary compared to local PMET salaries in sector by age
Points**C2. Qualification
Based on candidate's qualifications
≥ 90th percentile20Top-tier institution
65th to < 90th percentile
10Degree-equivalent qualification
< 65th percentile
0No degree-equivalent qualification
* All applicants must meet the EP qualifying salary, which increases with age.

COMPASS further accounts for sectoral differences in salary norms. Your application earns points by meeting sector-specific benchmarks for local PMET salaries. These benchmarks are also age-adjusted.
** As an employer, you are responsible for ensuring that your candidate’s qualifications are genuine and were awarded by accredited institutions. Learn more about the requirements.
***C3. Diversity (Firm-related)
Share of candidate's nationality among firm’s PMETs.*
****C4. Support for local employment (Firm-related)
Firm’s share of local PMETs within its subsector*
< 5%
20≥ 50th percentile
5 to < 25%
1020th to < 50th percentile
≥ 25%
0< 20th percentile
*** A diverse mix of nationalities enriches firms with new ideas and networks, and contributes to a more inclusive and resilient workforce.

COMPASS awards more points to applications where the candidate’s nationality forms a small share of the firm’s PMET employees. No points are earned if your firm is applying to bring in a candidate whose nationality currently forms a significant share of its PMET employees.
**** COMPASS recognises firms that make efforts to create opportunities for the local workforce and build complementary teams comprising both local and foreign professionals.

Your application earns more points if your firm has a relatively higher share of locals among PMET employees, compared to your peers in the same subsector.

Foundational Criteria:

This is the primary set of criteria that applicants and companies must meet. It consists of two subcategories:

A. Applicant Criteria:

  • C1 – Salary
  • C2 – Qualification

Points can be scored ranging from 0 to 20 for each criterion.

B. Company Criteria:

  • C3: Diversity
  • C4. Support for Local Employment

Like the Applicant Criteria, you can score between 0 to 20 points for each of these criteria.

An applicant must aim to achieve a total of 40 points within the Foundational Criteria to pass this stage. However, if the applicant does not reach this score, they have an additional opportunity to earn points through the Bonus Criteria.

C. Bonus Criteria:

  • If applicants don’t reach the required 40 points in the Foundational Criteria, they can earn additional points through the Bonus Criteria.
  • Applicants can score between 10 to 30 additional points in this category.

Exemptions from COMPASS

Applicants can be exempted from COMPASS is they meet one of the following conditions:

  • Earn a fixed salary of 22,500 SGD per month;
  • Apply Employment Pass as an Overseas intra-corporate transferee
  • Period of employment in Singapore is less than 1 month.

** Exemptions from COMPASS: Some applicants may be exempted from COMPASS based on specific conditions.

For more updated information on the latest EP criteria, check out our article on 2025 Updated EP Criteria

Tips for Navigating COMPASS

    • Align your workforce with COMPASS standards

    • Promote diversity and support local talent.

    • Seek professional guidance for a smooth COMPASS journey.


Don’t leave your COMPASS journey to chance; leverage the expertise of professionals to navigate confidently and achieve your objectives. Get More Employment Pass COMPASS Tips.

Unsure if You Qualify for an Employment Pass?

Use our free Employment Pass Eligibility Tool to find out if you meet the criteria.

The FCF aims to ensure fair hiring practices in Singapore, promoting equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, nationality, or race. Employers must advertise job openings on the national job portal, jobsbank, for at least 14 days before applying for an EP.

Employers must now advertise their job under the national job portal, jobsbank, for at least 14 days before they can proceed with the application process for an e-pass Singpore or S-Pass.

Who are exempted from Advertising

All locally registered companies in Singapore must practice fair hiring unless they are exempted from the requirements. You are exempted from advertising on MyCareersFuture if your company fulfills any of the following criteria:

** Under the WTO GATS, the overseas employee must have worked in an overseas related company for at least 1 year and they must hold certain roles to be eligible for ICT.

Only companies with less than 10 employees or when the offered salary is higher than 20,000 SGD is exempted.

What are the documents I need for the application of an Employment Pass in Singapore?

Beside the above documents, you may have to provide supplementary documents as proof of business activities or detail explanation on why you need the applicant. 

Singapore Employment Pass (EP) Processing Time

You can submit your EP application online or manually. Online applications typically take 3 weeks, while manual applications take 8 weeks. We recommend online applications to avoid delays.

We would strongly recommend Online application as manual application can lead to delays to your application and further complication when submitting additional documents.

Employment Pass Singapore Status

You’ll receive an update from MOM within 2 weeks after your first submission. If necessary, you may be asked for additional documents to assess your case.

At this point of time, you may obtain a favourable outcome or MOM may send a request for additional support documents required further assess your case (In certain case, you may be rejected first). You will either receive an SMS or email notification on your application status depending on what you had declared to MOM on the mode of communication.

In case you do not receive your Singapore employment pass status within 3 weeks after submission, you may check your work pass status here.

Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Additional Documents Request

MOM additional documents request typically happens when your company is new or does not have enough financial in its records to prove that you have the revenue to sponsor a work visa holder. However, there can also be other reasons that are linked to the applicant’s credentials like the applicant does not have the experience or qualification required for the work.


The first step is to analyse carefully on the list of documents that MOM are requesting for you to furnish. The documents provide to MOM must be strong enough to justify the hiring of foreigner to work in the company.

Appeal for Employment Pass (EP) Rejection - Step by Step Guide

At this stage, you had probably submitted an Employment Pass application or an appeal for your employment pass application but your EP application is still rejected. There can be many reasons for rejection for an EP application but you should not be worried if you have a strong case. You can always appeal against a rejection if you have a strong reason why the EP  application should not be rejected.

You can submit your appeal on the Employment Pass Online portal via the employer or authorised third-party Employment Agencies like One Visa. You must submit your appeal within 3 months from the date of rejection. Therefore, you are given more than enough time to review the rejection reason(s) or seek someone professional for advice before you submit all your required documents or justification letters. Do remember that you are only given 2 chances to appeal for a rejection so without the understanding of what the MOM officer wants, there is no point in wasting your chance on an appeal. Always seek a professional Employment Agent’s help if you are unsure of how to proceed with your appeal.

See below for our step by step guide for Employment Pass Appeal

  • Review the rejection notice issued by MOM via EP Online.
  • Identify the exact reason for rejection (e.g., salary not meeting benchmarks, insufficient company profile, applicant qualifications, or company quota concerns).
  • Take note of any MOM remarks or recommendations for strengthening the application.
  • Address the rejection reason(s):
    • Adjust the applicant’s salary package if below the qualifying salary.
    • Submit additional supporting documents (e.g., educational transcripts, stronger company profile, business plans, or financials).
    • Provide clarification letters for special cases (e.g., unique industry experience).
  • Ensure compliance with MOM’s Fair Consideration Framework (e.g., proper job advertising on MyCareersFuture.sg, if applicable).

Draft a professional appeal letter on your company’s letterhead. The letter should:

  • Clearly state the intention to appeal.
  • Address MOM’s rejection reasons directly.
  • Highlight how the applicant and the company meet or exceed MOM’s criteria (e.g., business growth, applicant’s critical skills).
  • Include a contact person for follow-up.
  • Log into EP Online and select the “Appeal” function under the rejected application.
  • Upload the appeal letter and any additional or revised documents.
  • Ensure all information is up to date and consistent.
  • MOM typically takes 3 to 6 weeks to process EP appeals, depending on case complexity.
  • Monitor the status via EP Online.
  • Be prepared for MOM to request further clarification or documents during the review process.
  • If approved, proceed with the issuance of the EP as per standard process (IPA letter download, medical check-up, etc.).
  • If rejected again, consider alternative options such as reapplying under a different pass type (e.g., S Pass, PEP) or engaging an immigration specialist for further guidance.

Passes for the family members of Singapore Employment Pass holder

As employment pass holders, you are only allowed to sponsor your direct family members such as your spouse, children and parents. Additionally, you must earn a monthly income of at least 6,000 SGD per month to be able to sponsor your dependents. Additional income requirements to sponsor your parents on a long term visit pass. Common-Law Spouse can go under Long Term Visit Pass too.

A happy family standing in front of an iconic Singapore landmark, symbolizing a new beginning with Singapore Permanent Residency (PR).
Family Member Category

Type of Pass to apply for

Married Spouse & Unmarried Children below 21 year-old (including those that are legally adopted).
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.

Dependant's Pass
Common-law spouse, unmarried handicapped children above 21 year-old & unmarried step-children below 21 year-old.
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.

Long Term Visit Pass

** Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 12,000 SGD per month
Long Term Visit Pass

Overseas Sponsorship case for Singapore Employment Pass

Overseas sponsorship Employment Pass in Singapore is suitable for those overseas companies (with no local presence) who are planning to send their employee as a consultant for a 1-2 years project to be attached to a local client company in Singapore. The salary will still be remunerated from the overseas company but the client company is responsible for sponsoring the employment pass. You must clearly define the relationship between your overseas company and the local company as well as the nature of work for the overseas consultant.

For this type of employment pass in Singapore, you are only allowed to apply for epass manually and it will take at least 8 – 12 weeks. So you must prepare well in advance if you are looking to apply for this type of employment pass. 

Issuance and Collection of EP

When your Employment Pass in Singapore is approved, you will receive a notification from MOM and you can download your EP In Principle Approval (IPA) Letter online. 

When you refer to the In Principle Approval letter, you are usually given 3 – 6 months to complete the Employment Pass  collection process. If your In Principle Approval letter is going to expire, you can request for a one-time extension with the MOM.

Your company or Employment Agent must arrange should advise you on all the documentation required for the collection process like getting all the declaration forms signed and doing your medical checkup (when necessary). Thereafter, you are required to make an appointment with the MOM at the Employment Pass Service Centre for you to complete the formality of issuing your work pass. 

Singapore Employment Pass Vs. Entrepass

Under the Singapore Work Visa scheme,  Employment Passes are granted to those who are salaried employees. However, for those business owners, directors, or shareholders who do not meet the innovative requirements of Entrepass can apply for Employment Pass instead. See below for a detailed comparison between Employment Pass and Entrepass.

EntrepassEmployment Pass (EP)
Company RequirementsMust be new company setup < 6 monthsNo requirement for how long the company has been established
Business ActivitiesA business plan is enough as proof of businessNeed concrete business activities as proof of ongoing business
Salary RequirementNo salary requiredNeed to be paid a minimum monthly salary
Main Evaluation CriteriaInnovative business idea and the applicant’s business track record. A 10-page business plan is required. Check out our full list of Entrepass criteria.Company sponsors business activities and applicant’s credentials (education, relevant working experience etc.). Check out our full list of criteria.
Renewal criteriaNeed to meet certain business milestones for your renewal to be granted.Your company must show proof of business activities for your renewal to be granted.
Processing Time8 – 12 weeks3 – 8 weeks
Dependant Pass EligibilityMust achieve the business milestones set by MOM before you can apply for Dependant Passes for your family.Must be making a minimum salary of 6,000 SGD per month before you can apply for Dependant Passes for your family. Check out our full list of Dependant's Pass Criteria.
Pass ValidityIssued for 12 months and can be renewed on a 12 month basisIssued for 12 – 24 months and can be renewed for 24 to 36 months.

Employment Pass Renewal

EPs are typically granted for 12 – 24 months and can be renewed for up to 36 months. To renew your EP, follow these steps:

Important changes to notify MOM

There are certain changes that you should notify MOM. See below for details all the changes that you are required to update MOM:

Cancellation of the Singapore Employment Pass

The employer is given 7 days from the last day of work to cancel the employment pass of an EP holder when he/she is no longer working in the company. In the situation when the EP expires, you are given 1 days to cancel the pass. Only the employer or an employment agency can assist in the cancellation online.

For any cancellation of employment pass, the work pass holder will be given 30 days short term visit pass to arrange for his/her departure. Before the departure, it is the responsibility of the applicant to seek tax clearance from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). The employer must also settle all outstanding salary owed to EP holder.

Pathway to Singapore Permanent Residency

As an EP holder, you are eligible to apply for the Singapore PR but the Singapore Permanent Residency follows a different set of criteria. PR is assessed based on your contribution to Singapore as an individual, your family profile, and your ability to integrate into the Singapore culture. There is no fixed number of years that you have to stay to be eligible for SPR. If you are interested, you can view our Singapore Permanent Resident Application Service.

Key Updates for Employment Pass 2022 / 2023

From September 2022, there will be some minor changes to the Employment Pass criteria. These changes are mainly focusing on the raising qualifying salary of the Employment Pass Application. Read more about the Employment Pass changes for 2022

From September 2023, there will be a major revamp of the Employment Pass criteria. This is when the new Employment Pass Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) kicks in. All applications will have to score 40 points to be eligible for the application for Employment Pass. Check out our Beginner’s guide to the New COMPASS Requirements here

Fast-Track Your Singapore Employment Pass with One Visa's Proven Expertise

Navigating through Singapore’s complex immigration procedures can be daunting, especially when your dream job is on the line. Choose to partner with One Visa—a MOM-licensed agency with a sterling decade-long reputation. Boasting a remarkable 90% success rate, we’ve facilitated over 10,000 business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, and executives in successfully making Singapore their professional home. Our customized, end-to-end solutions ensure that your Employment Pass application stands out in all the right ways.

Need further guidance on Singapore Visas?

See below for all related topics:

frequently asked questions

The Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore is a type of work visa issued by the MOM for highly skilled foreign professionals, managers, and executives to work for a  Singapore-registered company. The EP is usually issued for 1-2 years initially, renewable thereafter
and there is No foreign worker levy or quota applies.

The Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass are both Singapore work visas, but they cater to different job roles and skill

To qualify for an Employment Pass, the applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Salary Requirements (As of Sept 2023)
    Minimum monthly salary:
    • S$5,600 (Most sectors)
    • S$6,200 (Financial services sector)
    • Older and more experienced applicants may require higher salaries
  • Qualifications & Experience
    • Recognised degree, diploma, or professional certifications
    • Relevant work experience and job role
  • Employer’s Requirements
    • Must be a Singapore-registered company
    • Must demonstrate economic viability to hire a foreign employee

Meeting the criteria does not guarantee the approval of an Employment Pass as the MOM assesses each case holistically under the COMPASS framework (evaluating qualifications, salary, diversity, and employer attributes). If you are unsure, you may use our Free Employment Pass Assessment Tool to check on your Eligibility.

The employment pass usually takes 3 weeks to process upon submission. In certain cases like MOM additional document request or appeal submission, you need additional 3 – 5 weeks upon submission of the additional documents or appeal. For manual application, it can take up to 8 weeks to process.

No, quota only applies to S-Pass or Work Permit but you are required to justify substantially why there is a need for the applicant.

For new application, you are granted 12 – 24 months. For renewals, 12 – 36 months.

Once you have applied for your Employment Pass online, you are able to track your application status. . 

Steps to Check EP Application Status:

  • Visit MOM EP status online check
  • Key in the following details:
    • Passport Number;
    • Date of Birth.
  • Check EP Status: The system would show one of the following:
    • Pending -> The application is under review
    • Approved -> MOM has already approved your applicaton
    • Rejected -> Your EP application has been rejected


There is no official figure for the rejection rate but as long as you have a valid reason for hiring the applicant with fair hiring practice, you should be able to get approval.

From September 2022, the minimum salary for the new Employment Pass (EP) applicants will be raised from the current $4,500 to $5,000. As for those in the  financial services sector, the minimum salary bar will be increased from $5,000 to $5,500.

The EP is assessed based on a wide range of criteria. As long as your company has financial ability and genuine reason to hire the applicant and the applicant has the right credential, you are able to obtain the approval for an EP with the right set of documents the strengthen your case. However, when Foreign Manpower policies keep changing, it is always important to seek someone professional for you . Contact us today for free assessment.

Typically, you are only allowed to be the director of the company that sponsor your Employment Pass. If you want to a director of other company, you need to seek approval from the MOM and obtain a letter of consent.

Employment Pass is for salaried employee to work for a company while the entrepass is for business owner or entrepreneurs to run their business lawfully in Singapore..

Yes, you can apply for an Employment Pass only when your company is more than 6 month old. For newly incorporated company, you will need to apply for Singapore entrepass. Learn more about entrepass

Am I Eligible for an Employment Pass?

Under the New COMPASS Framework, you need to score 40 points to pass the EP requirement.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for a complimentary consultation today!
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