Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass Singapore) Guide

Overseas Network & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass Singapore) : A Comprehensive Guide to the New Work Visa Scheme for Top Talents

The Singapore ONE PASS (also known as Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass) is a new Global Talent Visa scheme aiming to attract exceptional individuals in their fields to emigrate to Singapore. As a business hub, Singapore has always been a draw for top talents from all over the world. The city-state has launched this new visa scheme, especially for highly skilled foreign talent in business, arts and culture, sports, education and research, and other fields. The ONE Pass Singapore is a personalised work visa (Administered by the Ministry of Manpower) designed for top-notch overseas professionals looking to work, start or operate multiple companies in Singapore. Unlike the typical Singapore work visa, the ONE Pass offers greater employment flexibility and many other benefits.

How can you Benefit from the Singapore ONE Pass?

The ONE Pass offers numerous benefits, surpassing those of other work visa such as the Employment Pass, Personalized Employment Pass, EntrePass, and Tech. Pass. These benefits include:

ONE Pass Singapore Criteria

The One Pass follows much stricter eligibility criteria where applicants need to either meet the high salary or outstanding achievements criteria. You must meet one of the below eligibility criteria to secure this work visa scheme:

Need help in your Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass?

One Visa has helped thousands of professional like you to secure their Visa approvals.

How long does it take to get the One Pass in Singapore?

The usual timeline for the application of the ONE Pass is 4 weeks. However, there are situations when the visa can take up to 8 weeks to process depending on the period.

As for the submission process, applicants can appoint an agency like One Visa, to submit the visa on their behalf and the types of documents to submit would depend on the eligibility pathway that you are selecting.

Upon submission, the MOM would take at least 4 weeks to process the application. You may check your application status here.

What are the Documents Required to Apply for the ONE PASS?

See below for the list of standard documents needed for the Application:

One Pass Singapore Application Process – Step-by-Step Guide

Make sure that you understand the ONE Pass requirements before apply for the work pass. Check below criteria:

  1. Meet the minimum salary requirement (S$30,000/month or equivalent annual earnings); or
  2. Have an outstanding track record in business, research, sports, or the arts.

** For those foreign applicants who are applying under option 1, you overseas employer must me the requirements as an established company.

Before applying for the ONE Pass, you must ensure that you have the following documents ready:

  • Personal Documents: Passport biodata, educational qualification, proof of achievements (if any).
  • Employment Documents: Monthly Payslips for the past 12 months, employment contract, latest tax return;
  • Those with Outstanding Achievements:
    • Payslips from the latest month
    • Resume to highlight your key achievements
  • Overseas applicants with high salary: You are required to submit financial document proof of our overseas company’s financial.
  • Apply via MOM’s EP eService (if employer-sponsored) or MOM’s Online Portal (self-sponsored).
  • Pay the required application fee: There will be a non-refundable fee of 105 to be paid directly to MOM.
  • Processing time: It would take 4 to 8 weeks (can take longer for complex cases).
  • MOM may request additional documents for verification.
  • If your application has been approved, you would require an In-Principle Approval Letter  with instructions to collect the pass.
  • If rejected, you can submit an appeal within 3 months.
  • You are given 3 – 6 months to collect your ONE Pass upon arrival. Once you have arrived Singapore, you need to contact an authorised agent like One Visa to help issue your ONE Pass. 
  • Visit MOM Services Centre with your IPA letter & original documents.
  • Complete biometric registration (photo & fingerprint scan).
  • MOM issues the physical One Pass card (delivered within 4 working days).
  • You can officially work for an employer in Singapore or start your venture.

ONE Pass Vs Other Singapore Work Visas

As there are several Singapore work visa options available in Singapore, it is important for you to understand other types of work visas in comparison to the Singapore One Pass. See below for our comparison table.

Tech.PassEmployment Pass (EP)EntrepassPersonalised Employment Pass (PEP)Overseas Network & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass)
Applicant's ProfileTech ExpertsCompany owners Working professionals, executive or specialised roles. Directors and Business OwnersEntrepreneurs with track recordsHigh Earning Executives1. High Income earning executives who have work in an established company for over one year.
2. Individual with Outstanding achievements in the arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and academia and research.
Visa Issued ValidityIssued for 2 years
Renewal Allowed Every 2 years.
First time issued for 1 - 2 years.
Renewal: 3 years
First time issued for 1 years.
Renewal: Every year
First time issued for 3 years.
Not possible to renew
Issued for 5 years and can be renewed every 5 years but must meet certain criteria
CriteriaFixed monthly salary of at least S$20,000;
See the full list of Tech Pass Criteria
Minimum Fixed monthly salary of at least S$4,500
See list EP Criteria here.
Applicants Meet the business track records. See the full list of Entrepass CriteriaApplicants meet the Fixed Salary Criteria of 12,000 18,000 SGD per month. See the full list of PEP criteria hereFor Corporate Executives:
1. Earning a monthly salary of 30,000 SGD per years;
2. Worked in an Established company with annual revenue of 200 million or 500 million capitalisation
Individual with Outstanding Achievements in the arts & culture, sports, science and technology, academia and research
FeaturesWork for more than one employers and can start own business.Can only work for one employer or company.Can only operate One Company.Can work for more than one company but need to meet the minimum salary requirements yearlyAllowed to concurrently work for more than one employers or operate a business

Setting Up Your Own Company With the ONE Pass Scheme

Unlike other work visa schemes in Singapore, the ONE Pass is an independent work pass that does not tie you to One employer, this Singapore work pass offers you greater flexibility by allowing you to concurrently operate your own business legally while working for your existing company.

If you are planning to set up a company in Singapore, you should understand the different types of company setup possible in Singapore as different entity has different implication. Use below table as a general guide for company setup options:

Subsidiary CompanyBranch OfficeRepresentative Office
NameCan either share the same identity as the parent company or operate under a different name.Must have the same name and identity as the parent company.Must have the same name as the parent company and include the term “Representative Office.”
OwnershipCan be fully owned by a foreign parent company.Considered an extension of the foreign company and fully owned by it.Established as a temporary entity fully owned by the foreign company.
Legal StatusSeparate legal entity from overseas parent entitySame legal entity are the overseas parent company. Entity operating as the extension of parent entityNo legal status
Allowed ActivitiesCan operate and carry out business activities in Singapore.Can engage in business activities aligned with its parent company's scope.Prohibited from conducting any commercial or revenue-generating activities.
ComplianceMust adhere to local statutory compliance regulations.Must adhere to local statutory compliance regulations.N.A.
Appointing OfficersRequired to appoint at least one local resident director.Required to appoint at least one local resident director.Must designate a Chief Representative who must relocate from the company headquarters.
Taxation17% 17%N.A. as entity is not generating income
Employees restrictionsNo restrictionsNo restrictionsA limit of 5 employees.

For foreign individuals, the most common business structure is an Exempt Private Limited Company. This entity offers full control, limited by shares, provided you hold more than 51% ownership in the company. Additionally, as a ONE Pass holder, you are eligible to serve as the local resident director. Interested to set up your company in Singapore? You may check out our guide on how to incorporate a company in Singapore.

Spouse & Family Benefits for One Pass Holders

As for the family members or parents of the ONE Pass holders, you are eligible for either the Dependant's Pass or Long Term Visit Pass. See below for the eligibility criteria:

Family Member Category

Type of Pass to apply for

Married Spouse & Unmarried Children below 21 year-old (including those that are legally adopted).
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.

Dependant's Pass
Common-law spouse, unmarried handicapped children above 21 year-old & unmarried step-children below 21 year-old.
* Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 6,000 SGD per month.

Long Term Visit Pass

** Work pass holder must earn a minimum fixed-salary of 12,000 SGD per month
Long Term Visit Pass

One Pass Singapore Spouse

One unique difference of the spouse of ONE Pass as compared to other work visas is that the spouse can obtain a Letter of Consent (LOC) to Work in Singapore under the Dependant's Pass scheme which makes it much easier for the spouse to secure employment in Singapore or run her own business in Singapore.

How to Appeal Against a Rejection for my ONE Pass?

The application for Overseas Networks and Expertise Pass may look straightforward, but there may be other details or documentations that you may have missed during the application process. Especially for those who are applying under the Exceptional Individual Achievements Criteria as the criteria is broader.

Nevertheless, you are still able to appeal against the rejection provided you have reasonable grounds to justify it. Always look at the rejection advisory note provided by the MOM. There may be a situation when you are not provided with a rejection advisory, so it would be best to speak to a qualified agent to assist with your appeal.

With the Appeal advisory note, you can prepare additional documents to justify why you should be granted the visa based on the rejection reason(s). In the situation when you are unclear about the rejection reason or the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) does not provide you with the visa rejection reasons you should always seek professional advice from an immigration consultancy.

To file an appeal, you can go to the appeal form. Your agent can file an appeal on your behalf provided that he/she is granted a signed authorisation letter.

Upon submission, it would take 4 weeks for the appeal assessment by the MOM. Lastly, don't forget that you are only given 3 months from the rejection date to file an appeal.

Need help to file your Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass Appeal?

One Visa has helped thousands of professional like you to secure their Visa approvals.

Maintaining Your ONE Pass status: Notification Requirements by MOM

Since the Work Visa is issued for 5 years, it is mandatory for you to do an annual notification to MOM on your Work Activities and Salary. Below are the annual reporting that you are required to report to the MOM:


Additionally, you are required to notify MOM within 2 weeks whenever there is a change in your residential address or personal particulars (e.g. name, passport no., passport expiry date, marital status, nationality...).

Can I secure Singapore Permanent Residency with ONE Pass?

As a ONE Pass holder, you are eligible to apply for the Singapore PR with at least 6 months of stay in Singapore. However, the Singapore Permanent Residency follows a different set of criteria. PR is assessed based on your contribution to Singapore as an individual, your family profile, and your ability to integrate into the Singapore culture. There is no fixed number of years that you have to stay to be eligible for SPR.

If you are interested, you can view our Comprehensive guide on how to apply for Singapore PR.

Infographic showing the key criteria for a successful Singapore PR application, including eligibility requirements, salary criteria, and application process.

Should I engage an Immigration Consultant for my ONE Pass?

Are you considering applying for ONE Pass in Singapore? With the constantly changing immigration policies, it can be a daunting and challenging process. But don’t let that stop you from pursuing your goals.

One Visa is a fully licensed immigration agency (EA No.: 10C2994) in Singapore with over 10 years of expertise in immigration. We have a proven track record of delivering exceptional service and achieving success for our clients. Don’t take chances with your future; let us help you navigate the Singapore immigration system and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Contact us for a Free Eligibility Assessment Today!

Need help in your Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass?

One Visa has helped thousands of professional like you to secure their Visa approvals.

Need further guidance on Singapore Work Visas?

See below for all related topics:


You are allowed to work for more than one employer and start your own business at the same time. Additionally, your spouse can obtain the LOC privilege to work in Singapore. 

No, quota only applies to S-Pass or Work Permit.

Yes. You can even work as a consultant on a part time basis.

Letter of Consent (LOC) is a type of visa privileges given to only spouse of Singapore Citizen or PR to work in Singapore without having to go through the stringent process of applying for a Singapore work pass. This is an added advantage for the spouse of ONE Pass to be grant work privileges.

If you are an individual with outstanding achievements in the area of arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and academia and research, you are exempted from meeting the salary criterion.

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