Singapore S-Pass gids

Overview: What Is a S-Pass?

De S Pass is een soort werkvisum/-pas van Singapore dat geschikt is voor middelhoog opgeleide buitenlandse technici met geavanceerde expertise in belangrijke opkomende industrieën zoals chemicaliën, elektronica, luchtvaart- en ruimtevaarttechniek, scheepvaart, farmaceutica en andere.

S-Pass visa is a good option as compare to employment pass (EP) when your company does not have the budget to pay a high salary for EP. However, the key challenge is to obtain a quota for S-Pass as the sponsor company needs to have enough local full-time employees to be able to sponsor one S-Pass applicant. Read further to learn more about S-Pass.

Eligibility Requirement of S-Pass

  • Must be sponsored by a Singapore registered company with eligible S-Pass quota;
  • The Applicant has have meet the minimum Salary requirements;
  • Applicant should have at least 3 years of working experience and with at least a tertiary education or trade certificate

S-Pass Quota

All new companies that have never applied for any work permit and S-Pass before are required to update their company business activity by declaring to the MOM. Once you have declared your business activity, your S-Pass quota will be reflected if you have hire any locals for more than 3 months (excluding this month and last month).

To learn more about the S-Pass quota, you can see below for details:

  • All service sector: 13% of your company total work force
  • All other industry sector: 20% of your total workforce

Therefore, if you are in the service industry, you are looking at approximately 8 local employees to 7 S-Pass holder. While for all other sectors, you need to have at least 4 local to be able to hire 1 S-Pass holder.

S-Pass Levy rate

For Service sector:

TierQuota PercentMonthly levy rateDaily Levy Rate
Basic / Tier 1Up to 10% of the total company work force330 SGD10.85 SGD
Tier 2Above 10% to 13% of the total company work force650 SGD21.37 SGD

For all other sector excluding service:


Quota Percent

Monthly levy rate

Daily Levy Rate

Basic / Tier 1

Up to 10% of the total company work force

330 SGD

10.85 SGD

Tier 2

Above 10% to 20% of the total company work force

650 SGD

21.37 SGD

Documents Required for S-Pass

  • Passport bio-data scanned copy;
  • Sponsor company’s latest business or ACRA profile
  • Applicant’s education certificate and additional documents required for those from Indian, China or institution not listed in the application form.

How to Apply S-Pass?

For submission of the application, you can either engaging a third-party agency or request your employer to submit the application. You need to have access to the EPOL account for the submission of the S-Pass.

Dien een aanvraag in:
Stap 1: Log in to EPOL account to fill out application form and upload required documents;
Stap 2: Betaal de vereiste aanvraagkosten via Giro, Visa of Mastercard;
Stap 3: Check the status of application only after 3 weeks
Stap 4: Once your application is approved, you may log into EPOL to download the IPA letter;
Stap 5: Log in bij EPOL om de pas af te geven en betaal de benodigde kosten en ga naar het MOM-kaartophaalcentrum voor de persoonlijke afspraak.

Appeal for S-Pass Rejection

When your S-Pass is rejected, you are given 3 months from the date of rejection to file an appeal against the rejection. Before you proceed, you are advise to log in to your EPOL account to review the rejection reasons. You must review the rejection reasons careful so that you can prepare all the required support documents and justification targeting the reason of rejection. You should only appeal when you are able to address directly to the rejection advisory by the MOM. However, in some cases, you are not given a rejection reasons and you would need an agency’s help to review the rejection careful and advice on how to proceed with the next step. To file an appeal, only your employer or an authorised third party or employment agency is able to log in to the EPOL account to file for the appeal. Once logged into the EPOL account and all the required documents should be uploaded. If you are not sure of how to proceed with an appeal, you may reach to One Visa for a risk-free rejection review to assess on your chance of success.

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Meer informatie nodig over Singapore Visas?

Zie hieronder voor alle gerelateerde onderwerpen:


The employment pass processing time is 3 week upon submission. In certain cases like MOM additional document request or appeal submission, you need additional 3 – 5 weeks upon submission of the additional documents or appeal.
Yes, but your fixed-salary must be at least 6000 SGD per month.
No, unless you upgrade your pass to EP
Yes. Depending on the industry sector, for service sector is 13% of the total work force and for all other sector is 20% of the total work force of the company
Yes, provided your employer has the S-Pass quota and you meet the requirement.

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