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Singapore Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) gids

Overview: What Is Long Term Visit Pass In Singapore?

The Long Term (Social) Visit Pass is a type of pass that is issued to family members of the main pass holder (holding on to Employment Pass or S-Pass). This pass is usually issued the same validity period as the main pass holder. The main pass holder must make a minimum monthly salary of 12,000 SGD per month. Usually, LTVP is applied for family members who are not eligible for a Dependant Pass.6

Eligibility Requirement of Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

  • Holder of an Arbeidspas van S-Pass;
  • Earning a fixed month salary of 6,000 SGD per month (Entrepass holder must meet business certain milestones instead);
  • The application must be sponsored by a registered company in Singapore.

 Soorten familieleden:

i. common-law or defacto Spouse
ii. Unmarried handicapped children above 21 years old
iii. Unmarried step-children under 21 years old
iv. Parents (only when work pass holder is earning a minimum fixed salary of 12,000 per month)

For married spouse and children, you can apply for dependant’s pass instead

Documents Required for Long Term Visit Pass

Paspoort bio-gegevens van de aanvrager;

For spouse

i. common-law marriage certificate:
ii. an Affidavit by the work pass holding declaring the relationship and notarised in their home country; or
iii Letter from embassy certifying the relationship.


Copy of the work pass holder’s birth certificate.

For Unmarried handicapped children above 21 years of age:

birth certificate and a report provided by medical specialist on the child’s condition;

For Unmarried stepchildren under 21 year-old:

i. Copy of the court order of the child’s custody
ii. Letter from the biological parent stating that they have no objection in sending the child to Singapore;
iii. Vaccination Requirements documents for children under 12 years of age

Application for Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

For submission of the application, you can either engaging a third-party agency or request your employer to submit the application. You need to have access to the EPOL account for the submission of the LTVP.

Dien een aanvraag in:

Stap 1: Log in to EPOL account to fill out application form and upload required documents;
Stap 2: Betaal de vereiste aanvraagkosten via Giro, Visa of Mastercard;
Stap 3: Check the status of application only after 3 weeks
Stap 4: Once your application is approved, you may log into EPOL to download the IPA letter;
Stap 5: Log in bij EPOL om de pas af te geven en betaal de benodigde kosten en ga naar het MOM-kaartophaalcentrum voor de persoonlijke afspraak.

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Long Term Visit Pass application!

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The employment pass processing time is 3 weeks upon submission. In certain cases like MOM additional document request or appeal submission, you need additional 3 – 5 weeks upon submission of the additional documents or appeal.
No. You need to apply for a work pass to work in Singapore.

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