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Securing Your EntrePass in Singapore – Your Expert Guide.

Overview of the Singapore Entrepass

If you are a foreign entrepreneur or business owner planning to set up your business in Singapore, you can consider applying for the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) in Singapore. They key advantage of the Singapore EntrePass is its flexibility in allowing foreign entrepreneurs to set up their company with a paid up capital of only 1 SGD as long as they meet one of the the innovative criteria of the EntrePass. Read further to learn more about the criteria, application procedure and all other information about how you can secure an EntrePass in Singapore. 

What is an EntrePass in Singapore?

The EntrePass in Singapore, also known as the Singapore Entrepreneur Pass, is a specialised work pass specially designed for foreign entrepreneurs or business owners who are keen on launching and driving businesses within Singapore and globally. This work pass targets scalable and innovative businesses that can contribute significantly to the Singapore's economy. It also targets entrepreneurs, innovators, business owners, and investors who aspire to use Singapore as a strategic base for accessing the ASEAN markets and wider Asian region.

Features of the EntrePass Singapore

Eligibility Criteria of Singapore Entrepass

To qualify for an Entrepreneur Pass in Singapore, applicants must demonstrate a clear, viable business plan that incorporates unique, innovative ideas or technologies, or is supported by a reputable venture capitalist or angel investor. Having experience in either running your own business  or senior management can strengthen an applicant’s EntrePass application Success. Alternatively, the applicant must meet the other requirements like having research collaboration in Singapore, or have founded or  raised funds before in previous ventures.

The entrepreneur pass is particularly suited to those at the helm of start-ups in sectors such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, where innovation is a strategic focus. Alternatively, the applicants can meet other eligibility criteria by demonstrating their technical or domain expertise.

Infographic illustrating the criteria for obtaining an EntrePass in Singapore, including investment requirements, business plan essentials, and intellectual property regulations.
  • Founder has secure at least 100,000 SGD of investments for his current or previous venture. The raised fund must be raised from a single funding round.

The support by the governmental organisation or known incubator serves as an endorsement of the founder’s track record.

You have succeed in your previous technology venture and sold the business. The business must be venture-backed or owns innovative technologies.

The registered or intended business possesses Intellectual Property (IP) that is officially registered with a recognized national IP institution.

This IP should offer a substantial competitive edge to the business, characterized by its unique qualities that are not readily duplicable.

The business must have existing research collaboration with Singapore Institutions (of Higher Learning) or Research Institutes

Requirements on the research partnership:

  1. Applicant must be involved in the research
  2. Research must be related to the business
  3. The research should be verifiable by a contact person working at the institute

Types of businesses that are not eligible to apply for an Entrepass:

Entrepass Vs Employment Pass

Not all businesses are suitable for the application of the Entrepreneur Pass in Singapore. The entrepass is typically for startup business that are innovative or requires funding. Alternatively, you may explore the option of Employment Pass if your business is more established and generates stable revenues. See below for the comparison table between Entrepass and Employment Pass. You may check out our Comprehensive Guide for Employment Pass in Singapore. 

EntrepassWerkgelegenheidspas (EP)
Vereisten voor het bedrijfMoet nieuw bedrijf zijn < 6 maandenGeen eisen voor hoe lang het bedrijf al bestaat
BedrijfsactiviteitenA ondernemingsplan is genoeg als bewijs van bedrijfConcrete bedrijfsactiviteiten nodig als bewijs van lopende zaken
SalarisvereisteGeen salaris vereistMinimaal maandsalaris
Belangrijkste evaluatiecriteriaInnovatief bedrijfsidee en de staat van dienst van de aanvrager. Een bedrijfsplan van 10 pagina's is vereist. Bekijk onze volledige lijst van Entrepass-criteria.Bedrijfssponsors bedrijfsactiviteiten en geloofsbrieven van de aanvrager (opleiding, relevante werkervaring, enz.). Bekijk onze volledige lijst met criteria.
VernieuwingscriteriaJe moet aan bepaalde zakelijke mijlpalen voldoen om je verlenging te krijgen.Je bedrijf moet bewijs van bedrijfsactiviteiten laten zien om je verlenging te kunnen toekennen.
Verwerkingstijd8 - 12 weken3 - 8 weken
Subsidiabiliteit van de pas voor hulpbehoevendenJe moet de zakelijke mijlpalen van MOM bereiken voordat je een pas voor je gezin kunt aanvragen.Je moet een minimumsalaris van 6.000 SGD per maand verdienen voordat je een pas voor je gezin kunt aanvragen. Bekijk onze volledige lijst met passeercriteria voor hulpbehoevenden.
GeldigheidWordt voor 12 maanden uitgegeven en kan telkens met 12 maanden worden verlengdWordt uitgegeven voor 12 - 24 maanden en kan worden verlengd voor 24 tot 36 maanden.

Documents required for the submission of an Entrepass

The Entrepass Evaluation and Approval Process

The evaluation and approval process for the EntrePass is both thorough and rigorous, ensuring that only the most viable and innovative business ideas and entrepreneurial background are approved. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) meticulously assesses each applicant’s eligibility based on the submitted documents and information. Typically, this evaluation process takes around 8 weeks, although it may extend if additional information is required.


During this period, the MOM will scrutinize the applicant’s business plan, financial projections, and other supporting documents to ensure that the proposed business meets the stringent eligibility criteria. In some cases, the MOM may also conduct interviews with the applicant to clarify any doubts or concerns regarding the business plan or the applicant’s background.


If the application is successful, the MOM will issue an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter, which is valid for 6 months. This letter outlines the terms and conditions of the EntrePass, including the duration of the pass and any specific requirements for renewal. The IPA letter is a crucial step, as it signifies the MOM’s preliminary approval of the proposed business.

Issuance and Collection of the Entrepass

Once you receive the In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter, the next step is to collect your EntrePass. The collection process is straightforward and typically takes around 4 working days. You will need to present your passport and any other required documents as specified in the IPA letter.


The EntrePass is initially issued for a period of 1 year. If you meet the renewal criteria, which include specific business spending and local employment requirements, you can renew the pass for an additional 2 years. Demonstrating the progress of your business plan is also essential for renewal. This ensures that your business is on track and contributing to Singapore’s economy.

Registration and Compliance

After collecting your EntrePass, it is imperative to register your Singapore Company with the relevant authorities and comply with all stipulated terms and conditions. This includes registering your company with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and obtaining any necessary licenses and permits required for your business operations. More about how to register your company in Singapore.

Compliance with Singapore’s employment laws and regulations is also crucial. This includes paying taxes and contributing to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) for your local employees. Adhering to these regulations not only ensures smooth business operations but also helps avoid penalties and fines that could arise from non-compliance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Application Process

Navigating the EntrePass application process can be challenging, and there are several common mistakes that applicants should avoid to increase their chances of success:

  • Incomplete or Inaccurate Information: Ensure that all information provided in the application form is complete and accurate. Any discrepancies can lead to delays or rejections.

  • Not Meeting Eligibility Criteria: Familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria for the EntrePass and ensure that you meet all the requirements before applying.

  • Insufficient Supporting Documents: Provide all necessary supporting documents, including a detailed business plan and financial projections. These documents are critical for demonstrating the viability of your proposed business.

  • Lack of Business Understanding: Demonstrate a clear understanding of your business and its operations. This includes having a well-thought-out business plan and being able to articulate your business strategy effectively.

  • Failure to Meet Renewal Criteria: Ensure that you meet the renewal criteria, which include specific business spending and local employment requirements. Regularly review your business progress to stay on track.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can enhance your chances of a successful EntrePass application and pave the way for establishing and operating a thriving business in Singapore.

What should I do if my Entrepass visa is rejected?

If your application is rejected, don’t panic! You will receive a letter from MOM that will give you the reasons why it was rejected. Oftentimes these issues can be addressed and you can appeal the rejection by providing additional information to strengthen your case. One-Visa consultants can definitely help you with this. We have expert understanding of foreign manpower policies and can advise you on which additional documents you might need.

If you are still unsure about how to reapply, check out on how our Entrepass Service can help you.

Renewal criteria of Entrepass

Dependant's Pass or Long Term Visit Passes for Family Members

To be eligible for dependant passes or Long term visit pass for your family members, you must achieve certain business milestones. See below for details:

Afhankelijk's pas of pas voor langdurig bezoek voor familieleden

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Is it a requirement to setup a company for Entrepass application?

You do not need to start business before applying for the Entrepass. But if you do, you will need to demonstrate that you have the track records and the right background experience. All of this information has to be included in your application.

Starting your business in Singapore is a fairly easy process. Follow these steps:

You can be registered within 1-2 days with professional help. See our Singapore company registration guide.

Entrepass vs Employment Pass vs. Tech Pass

EntrepassWerkgelegenheidspas (EP)Tech.Pass Singapore
Vereisten voor het bedrijfMoet nieuw bedrijf zijn < 6 maandenGeen eisen voor hoe lang het bedrijf al bestaatNot Applicable
BedrijfsactiviteitenA business plan is enough as proof of businessConcrete bedrijfsactiviteiten nodig als bewijs van lopende zakenDoes not require ongoing business activities or business plan proposal for application
SalarisvereisteGeen salaris vereistMinimaal maandsalaris20,000 SGD per month
Belangrijkste evaluatiecriteriaInnovative business idea and the applicant’s business track records. A 10-page business plan is required. Check out Gids voor ondernemingsplan Entrepass.Company sponsors business activities and applicant’s credential (education, relevant working experience etc.). Check out our full list of Employment Pass criteria..- You have more than 5 years of experience in a leading role in a tech company with a market value of at least US$500 million or have at least US$30 million funds raised; or

- You have a minimum of five cumulative years of experience in a tech company working in a leading role in the development of a technology with at least 100,000 active users or the product has earned at least an annual revenue of US$100 million. See our full list of Tech.Pass Criteria.
VernieuwingscriteriaJe moet aan bepaalde zakelijke mijlpalen voldoen om je verlenging te krijgen.Je bedrijf moet bewijs van bedrijfsactiviteiten laten zien om je verlenging te kunnen toekennen.Achieve the required business milestones.
Verwerkingstijd8 - 12 weken3 - 8 weken10 - 12 weeks
Subsidiabiliteit van de pas voor hulpbehoevendenJe moet de zakelijke mijlpalen van MOM bereiken voordat je een pas voor je gezin kunt aanvragen.Je moet een minimumsalaris van 6.000 SGD per maand verdienen voordat je een pas voor je gezin kunt aanvragen. Bekijk onze volledige lijst met passeercriteria voor hulpbehoevenden.Family members eligible for dependant's passes.
GeldigheidWordt voor 12 maanden uitgegeven en kan telkens met 12 maanden worden verlengdWordt uitgegeven voor 12 - 24 maanden en kan worden verlengd voor 24 tot 36 maanden.24 months

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Permanent Residency Pathway via the Entrepass

As part of the Skilled Migration under the PTS Scheme, Entrepass holders are eligible to apply for Singapore PR after staying for a fixed amount of time in Singapore. We usually recommend a physical of 1 – 3 years depending on the applicant’s background. See below for the benefits of becoming a Singapore PR

If you are interested in applying for Singapore PR, you may read more about our Ultimate Singapore PR Guide .

What are the other types of work passes available in Singapore?

If you don’t qualify for the Entrepass, you still apply for other work passes that can possibly better match your work experience and skill level. See below for details:

ArbeidspasGepersonaliseerde tewerkstellingspasTech PassS-PassWork Permit
- The Employment Pass is available to skilled, well-educated professionals who have been offered a job in Singapore.

- Need to be paid a minimum salary.

- It is valid for 2 year and can be renewed for another year; every future renewal lasts 2 years.

- Business Owners and directors are allowed to hold this pass.

Zie our full list of Employment Pass criteria for details.
- Not allowed to operate your own business

- Must meet minimum salary requirement of S$12,000 - 18,000 per month.

See our full list of PEP criteria.
- Fixed monthly salary of at least S$20,000;
See the list of Tech.Pass criteria.

- Allowed to work for more than one employers and can start own business.
- For medium-skilled foreign technicians in important industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, aerospace engineering, electronics, etc.
The employer or employment agent must apply for the applicant.

- Workers must have several years of experience and a either a degree, diploma, or certificate to demonstrate that they received the necessary education for their chosen field.

- Workers must earn a minimum monthly salary of $2,200; those with more experience should earn more according to their experience and skill level.
- The S-Pass lasts for 2 years and can be renewed up to 3 years.

- The S-Pass has quota and levy requirements. The number of S-Pass employees can’t exceed 15% of the company’s service staff or 20% in all other sectors. As for the levy, employers must pay a monthly levy for each S-Pass worker to cover their healthcare costs.

See full list of S-Pass criteria.
- The Work Permit is for foreign semi-skilled workers from selected Asian countries who work in the construction, manufacturing, marine, or process or service sectors (as well as foreign domestic workers, nannies, and performers).

- It is valid for up to 2 years and can be renewed.

- Quota is required for the work permit

See our full list of Work Permit Criteria.

Need Professional help to secure your Entrepass?

One Visa has helped thousands of entrepreneurs like you to secure their work pass Approval in Singapore. Get a Free Assessment Today for your Entrepass!

Maximise Your Entrepreneurial Pass Success with Expert Guidance

Navigating the complexities of obtaining an Entrepreneur Visa in Singapore can seem daunting, especially with evolving government regulations aimed at prioritizing local employment. However, the vibrant opportunities awaiting skilled foreign professionals in Singapore are too valuable to pass up.


This is where the advantage of professional expertise becomes undeniable. With a decade of specialized experience and a remarkable 90% success rate over more than 10,000 cases, our team is your key to turning potential obstacles into stepping stones. Don’t let regulatory changes hinder your aspirations. Allow our seasoned consultants to seamlessly navigate you through the process, ensuring your path to success is both clear and attainable. Contact Een visum Today for Free Assessment!

  • An EntrePass is a work pass for foreign entrepreneurs keen to start and operate a business in Singapore that is venture-backed or possesses innovative technologies.
  • Entrepreneurs who have (or intend to start) a private limited company registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. The company must be venture-backed or own innovative technology.

The EntrePass is specifically designed for entrepreneurs, whereas other visas like the Employment Pass are for professionals, managers, and executives. If you do not meet the entrepass criteria, we can explore other visa options for you. Contact Us at for assistance. 

Benefits include being able to start and operate your own business in Singapore, no minimum salary requirement, and the possibility to bring family members over.

You can apply through the Ministry of Manpower’s website, providing a business plan, a copy of your passport, and past employment testimonials, among other documents.

While there isn’t a stipulated investment amount, your business must have funding from a recognized third-party venture capitalist or angel investor of at least SGD 100,000.

Yes, you can apply for Dependant’s Passes for your spouse and unmarried children under 21. However, you must meet certain business milestones to be eligible.  Check out Dependant Pass Criteria.

It generally takes about 8 weeks from the point of submission.

Renewal depends on meeting certain business spending and local employment requirements, as well as the progress of your business plan.

Yes, EntrePass holders can apply for PR in Singapore through the PTS scheme after a stipulated time. Check out our Singapore PR guide

Yes, you should have a registered address for your company in Singapore.

The focus is on the entrepreneurial value, scalability, and innovation rather than specific industries.

You can appeal the decision within 3 months, providing additional information to support your business viability.

Meer informatie nodig over Singapore Visas?

Zie hieronder voor alle gerelateerde onderwerpen:

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