Het beste burgerschap door investeringsprogramma 2020
When choosing to invest in a country and thus acquiring either residency or citizenship, it’s crucial that you dig deep and that you are fully aware of the benefits and drawbacks as well as the requirements involved in the process. Too many investors and entrepreneurs tend to see a price tag attached to citizenship and […]
Four reasons why moving to Singapore will help your business grow faster?
Did you know that Singapore has one of the world’s strongest economies? Aside from the top quality of life, it is also one of the best places to move to if you want to help your business grow. Read on for four reasons why business owners should make a move to Singapore. Economic fundamentals According […]
The Latest Changes to Employment Pass in Singapore 2020 – Higher Minimum Salary
The Latest Changes to Employment Pass in Singapore – Higher Minimum Salary Have you been considering a move to Singapore lately? If you want to work in Singapore or open up a business there, then listen up! To support the opportunities of locals, some changes have been made to the Employment Pass and S Pass […]
Vijf redenen waarom toptalenten voor Singapore kiezen
Singapore is a regional hub for business, technology and tourism, and for many entrepreneurs, investors and corporate professionals, Asia’s Lion City is a top destination. Here are four reasons why people choose Singapore. It’s the world’s second safest city. In August this year, Singapore was named the world’s second safest city, according to The Economist Intelligence […]
3 Grootste fouten bij het aanvragen van een tewerkstellingspas
A Singaporean Employment Pass (EP) is a visa that allows foreign, well-educated professionals to live and work in Singapore. Those who obtain it will be able to enjoy the many advantages it has to offer in addition to living in a vibrant, cosmopolitan city. These include the ability to bring family to Singapore, the EP […]
Belangrijkste voordelen van een permanent ingezetene van Singapore worden
Singapore, or the Little Red Dot, as it is also known, is a regional powerhouse in Southeast Asia. Although tiny, its economy is one of the strongest, and foreign talent from all over the world embraces any opportunity to work and live in the city-state. The country’s economy grew by more than 3% in the […]
Australia job market overview
Australia is known as one of the planet’s top employment destinations. The country’s booming resource development sectors, high salaries, effective legislation, and attractive governmental nomination programs work as a magnet for talents from all over the world. However, finding a perfect job can take lots of time because of the high competition and geographic peculiarities […]
Dienst legalisatie Angola
The legalization is a procedure of verifying documents at the Angolan Embassy. All papers required for getting Angola visas to the country must undergo such legalization before being attached to the application and submitted. This is a mandatory requirement set by Angola authorities. Papers that must go through legalization are: Letter of Invitation (provided by the employer) […]
Werkvisum Angola
What Is Angola Work Visa? Angola Work Visa is a temporary 1-year solution for overseas professionals and technicians who seek to contribute their skills to a developing Angolan economy and especially such booming and privileged sectors as oil and diamond production, mining, and national reconstruction. Being hired by an Angola-based well-established company is the ultimate […]
Soorten Angola Visa
Different Types of Angola Visa Available for Work and Stay Angola, officially known as the Republic of Angola, is a country with vast amounts of minerals and petroleum reserves. It has recently been reported that Angola has overtaken Nigeria as Africa’s biggest Oil Producer. Some of Angola’s notable exports are Crude Petroleum ($17.7B), Diamonds ($1.4B), […]