Is It Still Possible to Relocate Foreign Employees to Singapore with Employment Pass Under COMPASS?
Businesses worldwide, particularly those from the Western hemisphere, consider Singapore a launching pad for the Asian markets. Consequently, increasing holding corporations and subsidiaries are established within the city-state. According to the World Bank’s Easiest of Doing Business rankings, Singapore is the world’s finest place to do business. Over the past three years, Singapore’s average firm […]
Can You Get a Work Visa in Singapore Without a Sponsor? Understanding ONE Pass & PEP
Singapore is certainly the best place for international talented and high-income earners. Its robust economy and favorable business environment make it a talent magnet from all walks of the industry. But do they all question whether they can work in Singapore without an employer’s sponsorship? Most employment visas, such as Employment Pass and S Pass, […]
How to Apply for an Angola Visa: Requirements, Processing Time & Key Tips
Angola lies right above Namibia on the southern African west coast. It features the sub-Saharan desert, a stunning coastline, and an abundance of rivers. Angola is sub-Saharan Africa’s second-largest oil producer. Over 40% of the nation’s GDP and 90% of its overall exports are made up of oil. Therefore, the oil and gas industry plays […]
How to Work in Singapore: Visa Options and Immigration Essentials
Singapore is the intersection of some of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. It is a popular destination with a strong economy, well-built infrastructure, and a high standard of living. The city-state provides many finance, technology, and healthcare job opportunities. It includes a thriving business community with numerous industries attracting people from across […]
How to Expand Your Business to Singapore with a Rep Office
With its effective tax laws, strong judicial system, and strategic location in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the world’s top business destinations. A representative office is a simple and affordable option for international businesses seeking to join the Singapore market without creating a subsidiary. Without the hassles of launching a full-fledged firm, a representative […]
Proceso de apelación de la solicitud de PR de Singapur: Guía completa
¿Quiere obtener la residencia permanente en Singapur? La RP de este país tiene muchas ventajas como profesional internacional, entre ellas estancias largas, mejores oportunidades laborales y acceso a muchas instalaciones públicas. Sin embargo, puede ser un proceso difícil y largo. Aunque cumpla todos los requisitos y tenga un nivel de ingresos alto, un buen título [...]
RP de Singapur para empresarios: Una vía hacia la ciudadanía del futuro
Singapore is the global hub for business with limitless opportunities. It would not be wrong to say that Singapore is the dream destination for many foreign entrepreneurs. Expanding your business or launching a new company here could be a game changer you need. Therefore, Singapore PR for Entrepreneur wouid stablise the residency status for business […]
Criterios de admisibilidad para el visado de retorno para residentes en Australia: ¿Es usted elegible?
¿Es residente permanente en Australia desde hace cinco años y tiene previsto viajar al extranjero? No podrá regresar a Australia como residente permanente si su validez de viaje expira mientras está en el extranjero. Sin embargo, sólo podrás regresar como residente permanente con un visado de retorno de residente. Tienes derecho [...]
Constitución de sociedades en Singapur: Elegir la estructura empresarial adecuada
Singapur es un centro apasionante de numerosas entidades empresariales. Los entusiastas de los negocios estarán encantados de saber que todas estas estructuras diferentes les ofrecen la oportunidad de poner a prueba sus perspectivas empresariales. Sin embargo, es esencial tener en cuenta que la elección de la estructura empresarial influye en múltiples factores, como la obligación fiscal, la reputación de sus [...]
Principales opciones de visado para trasladar empleados a Singapur: Lo que RRHH debe saber
¿Está pensando en instalarse en Singapur y quiere empezar una nueva vida lejos del ajetreo de su ciudad? Singapur es un país con inmensas oportunidades de negocio y empleo. A la hora de establecer su perfil, los profesionales extranjeros necesitan visados específicos. Esta guía le ayudará a conocer los pases y visados [...]