Everything You Need to Know About Travelling to Singapore During Covid – Safe Travel Pass

Singapore Visa

Starting from 6th of October 2021, more countries will be added to Singapore’s classifications based on the countries covid 19 situation. Travellers to enter Singapore on a safe travel pass based on their last 14-day travel history. For certain travellers, stay at home period cut to 10 days.

Singapore is a country with a booming economy that attracts foreign investors to seek opportunities to grow in Singapore. Many foreigners who work in Singapore are issued temporary work visas, and some get Singapore permanent resident permits after a longer time. And as most international business dictates, such foreigners may need to travel to other countries for either business or leisure. So this means that travelling back and forth is unavoidable. So much so that even during the Covid 19 pandemic, travelling has drastically changed.

Here is what you need to know before travelling to Singapore during Covid:

As of now, if you are planning to travel to Singapore, not only that you will need your regular Visas to enter Singapore, but you will also need to apply for your Travel Pass to Singapore. Singapore has divided all Travellers into the following 4 categories based on the country they are departing from to enter Singapore:

Category I: Low-Risk Countries – Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China & Taiwan;

Category II: Low – Medium Risk Countries – Refer to the infographic below for a list of countries;

Category III: Medium Risk Countries – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives & Slovenia

Category IV: High-Risk Countries – Refer to the infographic below for a list of countries

Depending on the category of countries you are staying for the last 14 days before entering Singapore, you need to apply for different types of travel pass and meet different requirements before and after entering Singapore. 

The Air Travel Pass

People from all over the world are coming to Singapore and looking for a way into the country. An Air Travel Pass enables them, but it’s not easy with so many requirements. First, you have to be travelling under certain circumstances or stay within one region/country for over 14 days and with a passport validity of 180 days. You also need to have a valid visa prior to applying for an Air Travel Pass. 

The following countries, classified as category 1, offer comprehensive public health surveillance systems and the controlled spread of their citizens. They are Hong Kong, Macao, Mainland China, and Taiwan. Nonetheless. Singaporeans cannot go on holiday there as it is not part of this region’s protection zone.

The Bilateral Green Lane

Singapore has established a bilateral green lane arrangement, which means that essential travel for business or official purposes is allowed between both countries. These partners include China (this applies to people from Chongqing), Brunei, Hong Kong, and Macao. However, Singapore citizens cannot visit them just for leisure; it must be related in some way too as part of their job responsibilities, and they should have a Singapore work visa to prove it.

Vaccinated Travel Lane

The quarantine-free travel lanes are a pilot program that was just introduced in the country of Germany and Brunei. As part of this new initiative, fully vaccinated passengers can enter Singapore without serving quarantine notice of up to 10 days. This travel lane is to encourage travellers entering Singapore to be fully vaccinated.

Only people with proper documentation will be allowed through these special channels. This means children under 12 years old who cannot get vaccines yet would not benefit from this arrangement. The requirements in this arrangement are that you must use a flight direct to Singapore, and they must serve travellers along the vaccinated travel lanes. Then to apply for the vaccinated travel pass, you must also do 2 PCR tests, one test 48 hours before departure and one upon your arrival to Singapore. 

The good news is that from the 19th of October 2021, more countries will be added to this list so people travelling from Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK & USA will be allowed to enter Singapore on this travel lane. 

Finally, people with long-term and short-term passes will still need to apply for a vaccinated travel pass when moving from Germany or Brunei to Singapore. You may refer to the below infographic for more details.

Table for travelling requirement to Singapore during covid

Bottom Line

It is certain that travelling in and out of Singapore, whether you have a Singapore permanent resident permit or not, safe travel Singapore regulations must be observed. And the changes above must be too. Covid makes travelling a bit strict, but it is for all our safety. 

Need Expert Advice on getting a work visa or Safe Travel Pass to Singapore?

One Visa is an immigration agency that focus on helping business executives and entrepreneurs to relocate to Singapore. If you are have issue with your work pass applications or stuck with your Safe Travel Pass application, you can contact us for assistance. Contact Us or email us info@one-visa.com for a free initial assessment to help you get started on the right track.  



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