Australia Visitor Visa


Australia is globally recognized as a destination for tourist to enjoy the stunning city sights or backpack across the coasts with their friends and family. Australia holds many attractions including 1 of the 7 great wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef. Apart from that, the Australia holds some of the greatest architectural structures built such as the Sydney Opera House. The abundance of flora and fauna brings out the best in Australia. It is no wonder many are eager to visit and holiday in the Land Down Under. In order to cater to the many needs of various tourists, the Australian government has created a subclass of visas to accommodate. Want to bring your family to visit the Gold Coast? Planning to take a tour in the outback? The Australia Tourist/Visitor Visa, formally known as the Subclass 600, was designed for tourists with needs ranging from family visits, applications within and outside of Australia and business visits. If you need the Subclass 600 visa to visit Australia, this page provides you with a detailed guide on the criteria, document papers and other important details you will need prior to applying for your visa. Read more to better plan your vacation, business visit or tour dates today!

6 Different Type of Visitor Visa

As some countries require a visa to visit Australia for holiday, Australia has provided a special category to simply the process. This caters to the different individual cases and has been streamlined into 6 different visa streams that you can choose. The requirements for eligibility are minimal. As long as you have a genuine intention to visit their country and have documentation supporting you or your family’s stay in Australia till departure date, Australia welcomes you with open arms. Here’s an overview of the 6 streams available:
  • Tourist Stream (apply in Australia)
  • Tourist Stream (apply outside Australia)
  • Sponsored family stream
  • Business visitor stream
  • Approved destination status stream
  • Frequent traveller Stream

Which Visa Stream should I choose?

You might think that choosing a stream is going to be complicated. It is in fact the opposite. The details of the 6 streams created has been clearly outlined to give you the ability to choose the only stream applicable to you. The details below have been summarized to provide you with an in-depth explanation of each stream.

1. Tourist Stream (apply within Australia):

This stream enables you to see family and friends or for purposes such as travel and leisure. This does not allow you to travel for business or medical visits. This visa will provide you with a stay duration of up to 12 months in Australia. The cost for applying will be AUD365 and will take around 18 to 24 days to process. If you are currently holding another Australian visa that is expiring and would like to extend your stay, this visa might suit you.

2.Tourist Stream (apply outside of Australia):

This stream enables you to visit friends and family, enjoy a cruise and road trip amongst other touristy activities. You will be allowed to stay in Australia for 3-12 months and it will cost you AUD145 to apply. The processing time is around 18 to 24 days. If you do not hold a visa currently with Australia, this would be your go-to visa. Furthermore, if you are a parent of an Australian citizen, you might be granted a longer validity period.

3.Sponsored family steam:

This visa stream entitles individuals who are sponsored (by a family member that is an Australian citizen or permanent resident) to visit their family in Australia. A duration of up to 12 months is granted and the cost of application is AUD 145. This cost excludes the security bond that is required to be paid by the sponsor. The processing time will take around 25 to 48 days to process. This visa is made for individuals who wish to stay with immediate or distant relatives. The applicant is not allowed to work during this time.

4.Business visitor stream:

This visa grants you visits to Australia for business reasons. The number of times you may enter Australia is subjected to the immigration authorities, and while you are on this visa, you are not allowed to work or sell goods or services within Australia. The duration of stay is granted for up to 4 months and costs AUD145 for the application. The processing time takes around 10 to 16 days to process. The business visitor stream is best suited for individuals who plan to network or research on their respective industry in Australia before planning to work, build or invest in the industry.

5.Approved Destination Status stream:

One of the 2 streams that are applicable to citizens of the Republic of China, this visa is granted to an individual who is from certain parts of China planning to travel to Australia on a holiday. They must visit on a tour that is organized by an approved travel agent. The duration of this visa is for the period of the tour or until the specified date granted by the immigration authorities. This visa costs AUD145 to apply and will take 2 to 5 days to process. This stream was designed for China tourists who want to travel in Australia on a guided tour.

6. Frequent traveller stream:

This visa the second stream that is applicable to citizens from the Republic of China. Business people who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons are the ideal applicants for this visa. A period of 3 months is granted each time you enter Australia for up to 10 years and the cost is a substantial AUD1,065 to process. Processing time will range from 7 to 13 days.

Necessary Documentation and Requirements

Now that you have all the necessary information you need. You will need to know the necessary documentation and paperwork prior to submitting the visa application. The documentation submitted to the immigration authorities are crucial and should not be taken lightly as the information given will determine the length of your stay in Australia. Therefore, the more relevant paperwork you submit for your application the more compelling it will be.

Required documents

  • Completed application form for the subclass 600 visa
  • A valid and current passport or travel documentation
  • Photo(s) of applicants
  • Proof of financial income
  • Proof of accommodation for your period of stay
  • Evidence of stable employment
  • Necessary fees (Visa fee and/or security bond if applicable)


In the case of Sponsorship:

  • An Invitation letter (by an Australian citizen or permanent resident)
  • A sponsor letter (by an Australian citizen or permanent resident)

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