Australia job market overview

Australia is known as one of the planet’s top employment destinations. The country’s booming resource development sectors, high salaries, effective legislation, and attractive governmental nomination programs work as a magnet for talents from all over the world. However, finding a perfect job can take lots of time because of the high competition and geographic peculiarities […]
Angola Legalisation Service

The legalization is a procedure of verifying documents at the Angolan Embassy. All papers required for getting Angola visas to the country must undergo such legalization before being attached to the application and submitted. This is a mandatory requirement set by Angola authorities. Papers that must go through legalization are: Letter of Invitation (provided by the employer) […]
Angola Work Visa
What Is Angola Work Visa? Angola Work Visa is a temporary 1-year solution for overseas professionals and technicians who seek to contribute their skills to a developing Angolan economy and especially such booming and privileged sectors as oil and diamond production, mining, and national reconstruction. Being hired by an Angola-based well-established company is the ultimate […]
Types of Angola Visas
Different Types of Angola Visa Available for Work and Stay Angola, officially known as the Republic of Angola, is a country with vast amounts of minerals and petroleum reserves. It has recently been reported that Angola has overtaken Nigeria as Africa’s biggest Oil Producer. Some of Angola’s notable exports are Crude Petroleum ($17.7B), Diamonds ($1.4B), […]
Global Investor Programme (GIP)- The only Guaranteed Permanent Resident Scheme in Singapore
Singapore Permanent Residency (SPR) is highly coveted because it comes with numerous benefits. The country has a secure and robust economy, a year-round sunny climate, a world-class public transportation system, and a very low crime rate. Furthermore, an SPR under the Singapore investment immigration Program (also known as the Global Investor Programme) would lead you […]
Benefits Of Setting Up A Business In Singapore
The world’s easiest place TO DO BUSINESS The ease of setting up a company in Singapore is a clear advantage when it comes to choosing the best place to do business. Best business environment IN ASIA PACIFIC AND THE WORLD Top of BERI’s Labour Force Evaluation Measure Top 3 in the world for least corruption in the […]
Enhanced Entrepass Scheme Could Lead Singapore To Be The Next Global Entrepreneur Hub.
Effective Aug. 3, 2017, foreign entrepreneurs who were thinking of exploring EntrePass opportunities were given an extra push to get their businesses up and running in Singapore (SG). Innovators can now enjoy some additional perks, including less limiting criteria and more recognition for their contributions to Singapore’s tech startup ecosystem. It is hopeful that pursuing the changes […]
Types of Singapore Visa Available for Business – Which is more suitable for you?
Singapore is regards as the easiest place to do business in Singapore world and it has attracted not only global businesses to move here but also foreign entrepreneurs to set up their shop in Singapore as a platform to penetrate the global market. Despite being the most business friendly country in the most, there are […]